Sunday, November 4, 2012

Taking Control

Power Parenting in the Cyber Age

Augustine Loorthusamy is a straight speaker..he shoots truth, straight into your face, he bashes you without annoying you...he speaks his mind. he is not afraid of the sex word... and he actually speaks Martians and the language of the cyber kids! No wonder  his audience of  62 parents and would be parents were so captivated and crying out for more even after the 3 hours of straight talk, talk and talk!

Simple truths can sometimes be painful, but coming from Augustine Loorthusamy, it was so hilarious and he just pokes fun at some of the stupid things we do...and then poker faced tells you... guys you are the creator of today's product.  You were not assertive as you rightly should be, not regulating, not educating.. preferring to just give and indulge, thinking that LOVE means doing just that!!  Well, time to start thinking again!!We now have a culture of children demanding and parents running  in circles trying to keep up with their children's demands, all because we, parents have set our priorities all  wrong...the strings of As instead of character formation , family values, the joy of bonding and the ability to discern. . 

We now have a show off culture, where image becomes the most important  thing in living and that culture rubs off on our kids and turn them into what they are today...In many ways, it is true that love for simple goodness is lost, because parents themselves chase after the artificial. Old fashioned values are lost because of over- exposure to TV, internet, computer games, violent cartoons xtra .Parents have handed their parenting roles to these cyber masters.  Children pick up new cultures and "values" from what captivates them  and in time to come...their role model become the artists, characters, they spend so much time with , they start to emulate them and  pooh! there goes your influence over them. 

Migrants of the digital world..not only do you have  a  task keeping up with the cyber will now have to re-examine life's values and instil some old fashion goodness back into your own lives and that of your children's  if  you want the best for them-start them off young. Take control again. Begin with  God in this year of faith and who knows? We may regain some of the good old fashion values we used to enjoy. 

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