Friday, July 30, 2010

A call to all mothers/parents, look after your children!!!

We have apprehended one monster and brought down  the hammer and chains of the law on him. But how many more monsters still exists out there, camouflaged by their sheep clothings that we do not see their evilness until it is too late???
Once...our hearts are at ease the moment, we hand our children over to the school bus "uncle"  " uncle bus" we used to call our trusted guardians of school children. Not anymore, never again!!!! We do not know where the bad apples are...and are forced to exercise caution  without this point of time..Could we do less when evil has consumed the minds of some unspeakable morons  that they could fearlessly go around raping young children even in  full view of other kids right in the school bus and by a busy public road???. What sort of  pervert is that???? From which gate  of  hell ???  which  dimension??? And that is not his first offence, he had done it to other young children before??? even his own adopted daughter??? Why is he still on the loose???and why are children still entrusted to his care???? Parents! be more careful entrusting your children to others...Listen to what your kids may be trying to tell you! Pay more attention to their welfare, their appearance, their behaviour etc..etc..! They are so innocent and helpless, protect them!!!
Even adults go into depression and become totally different people after being  violated..what more kids and at such tender ages???
First, it was public buses, then it's taxis that we have to be careful...and buses as well??? No wonder,  calamities are erupting around the certainly needed a cleansing.....Her morals had been thrashed...and badly needed a revival and uplift-ment .
Religious,  parents, teachers...there is much you can do..governments...there must be stricter laws,,preventive laws...curing takes longer time and it is sometimes difficult to straighten a crooked tree....but a young sapling,  carefully watched over that it grows strong and upright without any blemishes has its beauty contained forever. ...   beauty is cultivated  from home, schools... religion .. Let us work together as one community to straighten this mess.....

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