Sunday, July 11, 2010

Seek the Lord, you who are poor and your hearts will revive (Psalm 68)

Marie almost always took the word "poor" literally as NO MONEY. But today,  fresh understanding came "pinging" in.. Poor, we who are -poor and weak in spirit, ,we who are constantly fighting with temptations and more often than not, give in to the call of the short...sinners...It is for us, poor people lacking in goodness that the Lord had come-certainly not for the "righteous" who thought they were already so good, that they have no more space in their hearts for the word and the wisdom of the Lord, and for the people around them. After all, they are already better than everybody else!

The heart and soul of the poor are simple and open; they  are hungry and  thirsty.  Their cups are empty - ready to be filled, unlike those of  the self righteous which are  already at its brink and could take in no more...They are the self-proclaimed good people, who sits high on their throne dishing out judgements and making life miserable for others. We, who are poor, acknowledge our sinful state and reach out , for guidance and in so doing,  peace and goodness flows inwards and inevitably, some of it will overflow outwards as actions of  love..

Some while ago,  YT heard someone passed this statement:- " some people profess to be religious but what is the use, if they are not responsible."  YT wondered for quite a while, whether it is alright to go before God and pray all the time, yet has the tendency to be  irresponsible and do wrong." Well, today, Marie has her answer. She guess, this person would like to be good all the time, but being human, she is weak and sometimes- indeed most times,  she does rash things in moments of anger and hurt. But then she knows she is not perfect, that's why she has to pray frequently for strength to overcome the bad side of her. .."Seek the Lord , you who are poor and your hearts will revive. (Psalm 68). How very beautiful and reassuring to those of us who are poor and in need of the Lord's goodness, to revive our hearts.

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