Sunday, July 18, 2010


Nine, soul reviving weeks of the LSS, and brilliantly wrapped up by Dr. Aloysius tonight. Soul provoking and insistently reminding that with the Holy Spirit , lives must be transformed to actioned the love commanded us. It must overflow...into an outpouring of those around us, our neighbours.... Marie ,  especially liked the  expression " fanning the fire" so that  diminishing flames may be re-fired-  burning strong and bright again, so that we may walk forth in great strength and courage to do the will of God.
We are  reminded, the importance of  praying daily, for there is great power in prayers...Indeed, prayers draw us into the presence of God  and it  reinforces and renews our link with our God , each time we pray to Him. Well folks, let us begin by walking in a spirit of humbleness, the rest- let us  leave it to God to guide us.....

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