Sunday, July 4, 2010

Sunday Worship

Asking forgiveness for the not letting go of our egos and our own agenda and not allowing God to work his wonders in our appropriately true...we pray yes, but we say, God, "I want this, I want that...and please let it must be  in the  specific and  particular manner, that I want."  Yeh, it suddenly struck Marie that she is guilty of that act as well. Goodness, gracious me! Did realisation strike you as well Folks???  Sometimes, we want our prayers answered , the way, we want it,  not any other way,  and not realising that our prayers had been answered and blessings abound in our lives.....The "I want" is so huge that we cannot see ahead and around it!

Marie thought, how beautiful, the reminder that the Sunday Eucharistic celebrations should not  just be a weekly  obligation but a deep desire to be  with worship Him and just glorify his steadfast love for us.  And when we partake of the Eucharist  with full faith, understanding and deep reverence,...we bring to life His Body and Blood , surging within us, empowering us and with it the  grace  and the power of the Holy Spirit.

Have you ever experienced a special sweetness and a gush of warmth flowing  through you, overwhelming you and you know for yourself that the Spirt of God has just touch you and He is with you??  The Word of the Lord, and the Bible,  is indeed alive Folks, because therein lies the answer and solution to every query life poses.  And it is  heart warming solace and sure comfort when needs overcomes and the Call for God rings forth from our hearts and souls.

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