Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Exocticasy of Prawnie Mantis

Are those  Praying Mantis ? Or  big fat Bugs?? This writer sure loves Mantis Prawns when it is properly de-shelled, or chopped into  pieces and  fragrantly fried dry with dried prawns , garlic,  shallot  with just the right twang of chili in it. But when she was served a plate of  big  fat mantis complete with shell and all,  ..what the heck is that??? man! for moment she was totally ......  like giant bugs! The type she would whack with her slippers and go running screaming at the top of her lungs! But that exotica  was ordered at a hefty price and so she gingerly tucked and pulled  at the shell, ....slapped  pounded chili sauce on. it....and with great bravo sank her teeth into the whitish looking flesh   but then .... wonders of wonders! hey  they do  taste sweet and tender, even if they are buggish in looks! You know, the taste of very fresh steamed seafood....but! to be perfectly honest, despite the sweetness, there was this tiny wienie uneasiness in her system......she would have enjoyed it more, much, much more if she had been spared looking at their crawlie frame! This writer, she has a weak stomach for exotics!

But the steam boat was a delight and certainly one of the best ......Pulau Ketam, straight from the sea! Thank you and God Bless . A  total treat  from the hearts of those she held dear!

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