Sunday, July 1, 2012

Catholics & Protestants-The Difference


I've always known all along , that there is a world of difference  between the practices of Catholics and Protestants...but when Rev Deacon  detailed it as he did, it was  one hell of an eye opener ...there was plenty of "Oohoo'......."really ah!"  " I didn't know that" ... Shocked and amazed! Catholic with the protestant fervour and conviction- spontaneous bible quotes and references!! . A Knowledge Jug pouring forth cups full of  facts and information...something which would entailed hours of text and document  skimming and scanning  and cross references, if one were to dig around for all those facts on their own. Even if one takes the easy route and just googled, lots of time would still be I guess, we would  have to thank Rev. Deacon for all those facts finding and sharing. . YT for one would keep all those information properly stored up for future use and reference. But let's not gushed too much in that direction,  those comparisons are more useful  for another write up. Right now a little reflections on salvation-the topic which had made an impact on this Autumn -mer. . 
Rev. Dr. Deacon Sherman Kuek
witty and full of humour
around 300 attendees
YT had always wondered about the Salvation issue. No, not the basic truth , the whole world already know about, but the expectations that comes with it....guess, you could term it illusions after receiving the prize of salvation-it's like, I have been baptised after receiving Jesus into my life...and that got me entry  onto  the boat of salvation,  and I have this incredible sense of false security, that from then on, it will be a completely stress free journey-  no danger of storm and gale ..... guaranteed  safe passage.. And yet, along the journey, storms, tempest, and gales does  erupt every now and then, we wonder and we not  the good  God with us????....If we have been saved , why doesn't  God envelope us  and look after us...wholesomely ??? And if we have salvation, shouldn't  peace and goodness naturally  flow into our lives and smoothen the potholes in our lives??? And yet  sufferings is never far away. . ......uncertainty rocks our bridges, fear creates havoc...receiving the key to salvation does not keep temptations and sin away from us...if at all.,.sometimes it intensifies,  the clash of the good and the evil  sent confusion into our midst , clouding peace........

Guess who??
But it does make a lot of sense if Salvation is a process- the Key, the journeying process to attaining that ultimate gift.....The Life Traveller,will still have to prove his worth . even if he had  received his salvation ticket, the word automatic does not apply, because he would still have to live his life well,  face and conquer whatever  ups and downs that comes along, , the many trials and tribulations.....his journey brings. Even at journey's end........there is still the purification stage before he finally gains admittance into what we call Heavenly abode....Makes perfect sense -logical.  Just keep faith, observe the commandments, and live life to the best of your capability . Get out of pressure cookers for your own spiritual and physical health. Sure we will fall and it will happen often , but everyone loses their bearings at some point or another...... God provides the strength, the guidance  and the opportunity to rise up again. He is Patience always on standby mode, ready to lift up His fallen child.. Life is a learning education. YT realise that more profoundly now.....Why go through feelings of immense guilt?? Why the feelings of unworthiness?? Why the feelings of unfulfilled-ment? God has a part in every design..., in every happening. God sets the time and the pace...yes the rewards.. If  we should fall, just get up  dust the dirt and the hurt away, and move on. Whoever says, being human, and journeying is easy??? Funny, that understanding  does bring a certain measure of  something very akin to relief and yes, ...a clearer passage .....something so simple and yet it took a whole lifetime to grasp the logic. It is a case of we see, we know and yet  we do not comprehend until the time is ripe for understanding to make its entry.

Hei, Rev. Dr. Deacon and  Rev Parish Priest- two  pregnant peas in a every way, right down to the voice, the tone and the mannerism. Sure you're not twins??

p/s: the pregnant word came from Rev. Dr. Deacon, not the writer-so no disrespect  there. By the way, we prefer our Catholic priests the way they look-pregnant and all-more fatherly, shepherds here to lead and not to glamour. . .


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