Sunday, July 29, 2012

Mass, Procession and Benediction-Feast of St. Anne Port Klang

Despite it  being  the ninth day of the solemnity of St Anne's feast, despite the 5 other masses throughout the day, the 6.30p.m. Mass, Procession and Bendiction in English/Tamil and Mandarin saw a crushing ocean of faithful and believers jamming the church grounds, until the seams burst and many, (to this writer's eyes that is) ...a thousand or more devotees  had no choice but to stand outside the church compound.....the side roads..the main road, fronting the church to  observed mass and carry out  their devotions from far....and the mood were very prayerful even though...carnival like stalls selling all sorts of wares lined the surrounding grounds near the church premise. To many...they believe St. Anne and the good Lord, who stands with her, know they had come, no matter which corner, or how far away they stand.

The message ,  Jesus, the Door of Faith was beautiful....indeed without Jesus, where would we be, where stands Christianity, what grounds the foundation , if not Jesus, the Christ?? Without Jesus, there is no door, there is no Christianity. "I am the Way and the Truth and Life- No one cometh into the Father but by me..John 14:6.  Christ focused too, the reminder, that though we love St. Anne, though we love the Holy Mother and love and honour them...St. Anne and the Holy Mother would want us to  focus  on the person of the Lord Jesus first.. Do, everything..He asked you to, she told the servers at the wedding at Cana...and that same message applies to us. The eyes of St. Anne is  fixed on Jesus, her grandson, the  gaze of the Holy Mother is also on her son, Jesus...The Lord Jesus must first be present, for faith and fervour to manifest. St. Anne brings all  prayers and favours to her grandson Jesus...who through the Father, wrought miracles and grant favours, because He so loved her. This writer always believe...the Lord is more indulgent of  prayers and favours asked during the feast of his grandmother  St. Anne. Wouldn't we want our mothers and grandmothers to be happy on their special days?

Among the crowds, I met some friends, who were not Catholics. but . Christian of other denominations, but they are believers and have come to join in the procession. In fact. many people of other faith have waited patiently for the procession.. they see the procession  as a way to honour, respect and pay homage to good St.  Anne, is an action which arises from the hearts and to them the short journey , being part of the procession a  pilgrimage journey of sorts  in her honour . Many people have come from other states and as far as Singapore this year to join in the feast day celebrations. . 

The beauty of the feast of St. the growing crowds of believers, swelling from one feast day  to the next...many have become Catholics because of the difference St. Anne made in their lives through the love of God. To this blogger, this year, the procession must be more than two /three miles long. - was a good half hour, before the last of the faithful could move from the church grounds to join in with the rest of the procession-the devotees who had gone ahead of them....steady lights from burning candles added to the  fervour of prayers  as the procession made its way through the residential area . The thoughts of this writer was blessed the homes and the routes...which had been purified and cleaned  by the unceasing holy prayers, of believers  and the faithful, as they walk through those paths..

And People, the marvellous happening was ..despite the crowd...the procession was so prayerful...wardens were everywhere to politely direct and guide and the crowd..out of reverence for this great Saint...followed instructions. That is  another marvel  of the feast of St. Anne,  and as Father Simon said...this fervour also brought forth the image of the Lord Jesus , faith in God into our hearts, because that is what St. Anne's feast is all about...the power of God, which makes the intercession of St. Anne so powerful!! Thank you Good St. Anne. Blessed be to God forever! 

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Healing Mass @ St Anne, Port Klang

We leave everything in your Hands

Parish Priest Father Lawrence

I came with high expectations, having heard Father Simon speak before,  and yet  I went away with a lasting impression....lost for words..except a deep deep appreciation to St. Anne..if it  were not for her Feast Day, if not for her priestly shepherding grandchildren, who acted to honour her feast, and that of God's love for her. YT doubt, she would be there attending  a healing mass of such intensity, so electrifying   like the 11.00a.m. healing mass at St. Anne's  this morning. What can I tell you, what words could  I add to justify the awesome-ness  of the spirit charged Eucharistic celebrations that was so powerfully and so beautifully Father Simon this  morning.....except if you had missed the event...make a date with St Anne next year for a taste of goodness!

I was touched, so many were touched... and that were registered in the voices that rang out in prayers, ardently guided by this shepherd-Father Simon who is obviously someone with tremendous talent for this ministry. God crowns many doctors and teachers, but He  hand picked selected spiritual carry out healing in His Holy Name. The power of the Eucharistic prayers were never so empowering ...never so manifesting and God present.. I had to get a firm grip  on my emotions...  and as the call for healing rang out..the atmosphere became  absolutely prayerful , it was the call of needy children  reaching out to God in  earnest  appeal..... Heal us Oh Lord....

Beautiful the advice of Father Lawrence....tell leave everything in His hands....And people, you have to be there, to know what I mean...words cannot express ...words cannot do justice to what we experienced this morning..and I am just so grateful, I was privileged to something so extraordinary this morning. Thank you Good St Anne,  like all good grandmothers you  made sure, we get the best!

Deep appreciation too, to the Church of St. Anne, for the many pictures, I managed to  records the beautiful moments, which awed and inspired- .treasures to be preserved and cherished... let's not forget the   immense family spirit..something emphasised at the Church of St. Anne Port Klang... and people that is so very synonymous with St. Anne! Loving grandmother, who instils  family spirit in her parish and those who believes enough to come and add joy to her feast day!! 

Thursday, July 26, 2012

26th July, Actual Feast Day of St. Anne.


Early morning masses, especially on special..days works wonderfully for Yours Truly. Today is the actual Feast Day of St. Anne and so she thought, it would be good if she goes and pay her early morning know how it is with every  family , grandparents...especially grandmothers .love early  morning greetings, and when their hearts are gladden, they just reach down and bless is the same with St. Anne.

We, the early morning congregation  were gifted with sound advice, this morning....a piece of the kingdom of God....Parish Priest, Rev. Father Lawrence was in his element, passionate in his entreats for all to come and be renewed in the Lord Jesus Christ..just as Saul was renewed when his encounter with the Lord transformed him into Paul, the great saint called to shepherd people like you and me  .and all who have ears to listen ,  believe and entrust themselves to   the Lord.

People...a wonderful remedy for depression was dished out this morning .... a perfect and holistic cure  which transcends you.....removes the clouds of depression which sucks the living out of you! And it happens to everyone, at some point of our lives,  right?? Simply - gratitude and thanksgiving!! Indeed...if you know your blessings and are thankful of each and everyone of uplifts you to greater heights..away from the sense of poverty...away from feelings of lacking! Thanksgiving creates happiness and in turn it brings in more thanksgiving!!

Teresa from Gombak
comes to St. Anne with her
daughter every year. A prayerful
moment with the Parish Priest
Greeting the early morning devotees
while they were having their
breakfast, courtesy of
St. Anne's love.
So many people sit and brood...they cry out for blessings...yet they do not see the many wondrous things God had done for them in their lives...they do not appreciate the good things bestowed upon them, because  they  have lost their sense of  appreciation and the need to give thanks...God takes care of our needs..but more often than not, we complicate matters  with our greed...and our insatiable desire for more and, even if our barns are filled to the brim...our eyes cannot see...and depression and lacking  still rock us!   How true, how true! ... Gratitude and thanksgiving..certainly open our eyes to our blessings...and as members of Christ's body..spiritually, what is more powerful than thanksgiving in the Eucharistic celebrations?? 

Hei, guys...I am really glad, I went for the early morning mass...Good food for the mind, heart and soul...and also the tummy!! Great breakfast...FOC!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

St. Anne's Port Klang-Seniors Mass

Homily by Rev. Father Simon -A Reflection & An Appreciation

Rev Father Simon
That dish was awesome!!

We are a fragile earthen ware...indeed we are...weak..frail , so breakable...once broken down completely, ...we are back to the dust from which we came from...Such a beautiful expression, how apt! ....How awesome the knowledge that it is our weakness that brings us closer to God. Didn't the Lord say...blessed are the poor, the weak and poor in spirit???Didn't he say, that He came for sinners and not the righteous??? He knows the fragile state of  the creatures He had created...and so out of compassion....He is gentle with them...all the time...truly, we need not be ashamed of our weakness...isn't  the Moulder & Creator always ready to fix  the brokenness and  cracks of the earthen wares He created???

Bonding with seniors

Parish Priest Father Lawrence-
goes round-greeting the seniors
wonderfully caring Father!!
Father Lazarus from India
popular with parishioners
Very  Oomph homily Rev Father Simon!! And you can say it again Father , seniors are indeed rich in knowledge and experience with good know how..whether it be about life itself or in the various fields they used to laboured in. And you deserved a big big hug and a big fat kiss (on the cheek of course) from all so matter of  factly  reminded us that we are still very much a vital part of this vibrant, vibrating world! Yes, as YT sees it...we remain the corner stones...the strong foundation, that holds family, society and community together ...we are the hands..that hold and guide...despite the so called"generation gap" and the Y factor...all it needs is for seniors to keep up and  move along with the times- be able to ride the waves, without being swallowed ...and yes..keep faith and trust in God..If we could instil that love of God into  the hearts of  our young  bet...they will always value our opinions and keep a place for us in their hearts... that's why the Centre Seat should always be reserved for that all important Person...GOD in our lives!!


With love and care, the church of St Anne  dish out lunch to  seniors!!

Monday, July 23, 2012

Feast of St Anne-Port Klang (4th day)

St Anne pray for us

We look forward to the annual feast of St. Anne...  open our hearts to her..and she listens and prays for us...

I was  infront of  the statue of St. Anne inside the church building this evening, when someone  greeted me..."good evening, teacher" was one of my students with a mum who looks more like his sister..but never mind that..."my son's not coming in for his English class tomorrow", she said..."we will be here at St. Anne's ". Amazing devotion!

Many, many like her, makes it a point to be at St. Anne's daily when her feast is celebrated. There were so many testimonials..She prays so fruitfully  for us! Father Lawrence took occasion to read out some of the gratitude letters from people whose lives had been touched by St. Anne,  but really, she had  interceded for thousands ....and letters were just not sufficient.....many came back to thank and pay homage, in person, bringing others who needed help with them, and she never turns down an appeal from anyone who trusts in her prayers. That's the down to earth magnet which continues to draw the crowd back to  the  Feast of St. Anne,  year after year. .. the powerful  love of a grandmother. 

A familiar face among
the supporting priests. Have you come
to pray as well Father John??
.If you were at St. Anne's Port Klang, this evening and heard the passionate call of Father Lawrence - come and pray to St. Anne- believe in her in the power of the Lord God would have been  tremendously touched ..The  beautiful message from Father Stephen Liu was a faith booster...It is really more important. to experience the touch of the Lord and know for one's self how He had transformed our lives, after He came into our lives.  what matters if I know not when He was born??? It is enough that He had healed my brokenness and make a new person out of me... Yes people??? Powerful homily Father! 

Church Visits to Raub & Bentong

On Sunday, Yours Truly  was with this group of seniors from the Holy Redeemer Church , Klang and they  were on a spiritual mission-visit to the churches of the Annunciation, Raub and Sacred  Heart Church Bentong, Pahang. Seniors are on a shoestring budget, so the organisers  reckon, RM40/- would be manageable for young autumn and winter "ducklings" -let's not use..the "spring chicken" word ..."ducklings" take to the water like a fish but they adapt to land with equal ease. and they waddle  along  so much more  gracefully...... 

Before 7.00a.m. , the whole group had assembled at HRC, ready to go...but no, "Tai Koh" (Big brother) said..."into the church premise..let's spend a few minutes with God, before we leave..."Seven fifteen, we were on our way...

Mass at Bentong -9.00a.m.???..nope ,  too much of a rush.....better  at the Church of the Annunciation at Raub, - 11.30a.m. -celebrate mass with Our Lady, respect the Holy Mother...

That gave  the group  some time to visit the town's Tau Foo Factory...and wah! the tau foo pok were so know -the yum yum taste of freshness! The soya bean  was thick, and concentrated, tasted real good, too !  So they do make use of modern machineries to mix and blend and beat the daylight out of those soya beans! And they don't need very much space either! Imagine the tools of yesterdays...big, big stone grinders..pulled manually...

The Groundnut "factory" was equally fascinating... There were the whole process of sorting, washing , drying and packing...Not that cumbersome,-  machines had taken the chore out of manual labour..But you will still need know how-  and the  process from the raw - the start to finish product was rather interesting. There was this very delicious wispy aroma,  of toasted ,roasted and deep dried ground nuts, flooding,the air...all of us were more than eager to part with cash in exchange for a measure of  those " nutty"  goodness. 


Narrow village road....plenty of greeneries and suddenly you are at the Church of the Annunciation , Raub. The church stood on elevated grounds...a simple house of God,  and yet how sacred and precious this sanctuary- to the Catholic community of Raub! As YT climbed up the steps from the back road....the first thing, she noticed were a number of  large, large trees , plenty of shrubs and tall grass just outside the compound of the church premise..Haven't seen those big  trees in a long, long time. The very unique grotto of Our Lady stood high  on high grounds, overlooking the grounds of the church.  

She looks inviting  and very indulgent-a mother happy to receive, the faithful and all who come and celebrate the Eucharistic celebrations with her... Inside the simple church...stood the cross of Jesus in the middle, flanked by a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary with her eyes lifted skywards,  on one side and on the other end, was a picture of the Immaculate Conception  holding the baby Jesus in her arms...and it was not the usual serene smile on her face.. she  looked  rather serious, though there is still so much to ..the Church of the Annunciation, so many more  hearts to many people to embrace. 

Rev. Father Andrew Kui, was on hand to greet was a beautiful mass celebrated, in a unique fashion...the readings were in English and Tamil, whilst the homily was  in Bahasa and English. ..Yes, priests certainly have to fit into  their roles befitting their environment -as good dispenser of nutrition and what better way, than making full use of native tongues to dish out the word of the Lord??? Only when parishioners understand..the teachings of the Lord...only then..can they grow in the faith and in turn be equipped to shepherd, other people in their lives.Father Andrew's homily is reflective of the readings of that day...the call for shepherds not to neglect their flocks..but to continue caring, guiding, leading and nurturing them. 


What a lovely new church! The Sacred heart Church of Bentong. Pahang is situated inside the large sprawling grounds of the town's SMJK Catholic School. Rev. Father Andrew who is also parish priest to this parish took time to be at this church - to lead this group of devoted hearts through the novena,praise and worship to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. For many, if not all, this is the first time, we have set foot inside this church and it was  marvellous that Rev. Father Andrew  read our needs  and actually  lead us through the novena, praise and worship session! Thank you Father! Afterwards, we were all given an autographed  draft copy of the booklet -The re-dedication of the Sacred Heart Church, Bentong, Pahang., for remembrance -..good read for the background of the church.

No grotto? Not yet, but the good Rev is working hard on that project., yes Rev?? ..Next time, when we drop by...will we be able to light candles and pray at the grotto Rev??


A  most sumptous  8 course lunch at one of the eateries in Bentong....joined  by Rev. Father Andrew Koi, very thoughtful gesture, I must say..makes this church visits more oomph.! Priest also must eat...what more meaningful than sitting down with visitors to his parishes? You know people, the  stamp of pastoral care extends far beyond the boundaries of  the individual parishes. Flocks from other regions, still belong to the One Body of Christ and it was so lovely to be acknowledged, accepted and received as such.. God Bless!!
