Saturday, July 28, 2012

Healing Mass @ St Anne, Port Klang

We leave everything in your Hands

Parish Priest Father Lawrence

I came with high expectations, having heard Father Simon speak before,  and yet  I went away with a lasting impression....lost for words..except a deep deep appreciation to St. Anne..if it  were not for her Feast Day, if not for her priestly shepherding grandchildren, who acted to honour her feast, and that of God's love for her. YT doubt, she would be there attending  a healing mass of such intensity, so electrifying   like the 11.00a.m. healing mass at St. Anne's  this morning. What can I tell you, what words could  I add to justify the awesome-ness  of the spirit charged Eucharistic celebrations that was so powerfully and so beautifully Father Simon this  morning.....except if you had missed the event...make a date with St Anne next year for a taste of goodness!

I was touched, so many were touched... and that were registered in the voices that rang out in prayers, ardently guided by this shepherd-Father Simon who is obviously someone with tremendous talent for this ministry. God crowns many doctors and teachers, but He  hand picked selected spiritual carry out healing in His Holy Name. The power of the Eucharistic prayers were never so empowering ...never so manifesting and God present.. I had to get a firm grip  on my emotions...  and as the call for healing rang out..the atmosphere became  absolutely prayerful , it was the call of needy children  reaching out to God in  earnest  appeal..... Heal us Oh Lord....

Beautiful the advice of Father Lawrence....tell leave everything in His hands....And people, you have to be there, to know what I mean...words cannot express ...words cannot do justice to what we experienced this morning..and I am just so grateful, I was privileged to something so extraordinary this morning. Thank you Good St Anne,  like all good grandmothers you  made sure, we get the best!

Deep appreciation too, to the Church of St. Anne, for the many pictures, I managed to  records the beautiful moments, which awed and inspired- .treasures to be preserved and cherished... let's not forget the   immense family spirit..something emphasised at the Church of St. Anne Port Klang... and people that is so very synonymous with St. Anne! Loving grandmother, who instils  family spirit in her parish and those who believes enough to come and add joy to her feast day!! 

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