Sunday, July 29, 2012

Mass, Procession and Benediction-Feast of St. Anne Port Klang

Despite it  being  the ninth day of the solemnity of St Anne's feast, despite the 5 other masses throughout the day, the 6.30p.m. Mass, Procession and Bendiction in English/Tamil and Mandarin saw a crushing ocean of faithful and believers jamming the church grounds, until the seams burst and many, (to this writer's eyes that is) ...a thousand or more devotees  had no choice but to stand outside the church compound.....the side roads..the main road, fronting the church to  observed mass and carry out  their devotions from far....and the mood were very prayerful even though...carnival like stalls selling all sorts of wares lined the surrounding grounds near the church premise. To many...they believe St. Anne and the good Lord, who stands with her, know they had come, no matter which corner, or how far away they stand.

The message ,  Jesus, the Door of Faith was beautiful....indeed without Jesus, where would we be, where stands Christianity, what grounds the foundation , if not Jesus, the Christ?? Without Jesus, there is no door, there is no Christianity. "I am the Way and the Truth and Life- No one cometh into the Father but by me..John 14:6.  Christ focused too, the reminder, that though we love St. Anne, though we love the Holy Mother and love and honour them...St. Anne and the Holy Mother would want us to  focus  on the person of the Lord Jesus first.. Do, everything..He asked you to, she told the servers at the wedding at Cana...and that same message applies to us. The eyes of St. Anne is  fixed on Jesus, her grandson, the  gaze of the Holy Mother is also on her son, Jesus...The Lord Jesus must first be present, for faith and fervour to manifest. St. Anne brings all  prayers and favours to her grandson Jesus...who through the Father, wrought miracles and grant favours, because He so loved her. This writer always believe...the Lord is more indulgent of  prayers and favours asked during the feast of his grandmother  St. Anne. Wouldn't we want our mothers and grandmothers to be happy on their special days?

Among the crowds, I met some friends, who were not Catholics. but . Christian of other denominations, but they are believers and have come to join in the procession. In fact. many people of other faith have waited patiently for the procession.. they see the procession  as a way to honour, respect and pay homage to good St.  Anne, is an action which arises from the hearts and to them the short journey , being part of the procession a  pilgrimage journey of sorts  in her honour . Many people have come from other states and as far as Singapore this year to join in the feast day celebrations. . 

The beauty of the feast of St. the growing crowds of believers, swelling from one feast day  to the next...many have become Catholics because of the difference St. Anne made in their lives through the love of God. To this blogger, this year, the procession must be more than two /three miles long. - was a good half hour, before the last of the faithful could move from the church grounds to join in with the rest of the procession-the devotees who had gone ahead of them....steady lights from burning candles added to the  fervour of prayers  as the procession made its way through the residential area . The thoughts of this writer was blessed the homes and the routes...which had been purified and cleaned  by the unceasing holy prayers, of believers  and the faithful, as they walk through those paths..

And People, the marvellous happening was ..despite the crowd...the procession was so prayerful...wardens were everywhere to politely direct and guide and the crowd..out of reverence for this great Saint...followed instructions. That is  another marvel  of the feast of St. Anne,  and as Father Simon said...this fervour also brought forth the image of the Lord Jesus , faith in God into our hearts, because that is what St. Anne's feast is all about...the power of God, which makes the intercession of St. Anne so powerful!! Thank you Good St. Anne. Blessed be to God forever! 

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