Thursday, July 26, 2012

26th July, Actual Feast Day of St. Anne.


Early morning masses, especially on special..days works wonderfully for Yours Truly. Today is the actual Feast Day of St. Anne and so she thought, it would be good if she goes and pay her early morning know how it is with every  family , grandparents...especially grandmothers .love early  morning greetings, and when their hearts are gladden, they just reach down and bless is the same with St. Anne.

We, the early morning congregation  were gifted with sound advice, this morning....a piece of the kingdom of God....Parish Priest, Rev. Father Lawrence was in his element, passionate in his entreats for all to come and be renewed in the Lord Jesus Christ..just as Saul was renewed when his encounter with the Lord transformed him into Paul, the great saint called to shepherd people like you and me  .and all who have ears to listen ,  believe and entrust themselves to   the Lord.

People...a wonderful remedy for depression was dished out this morning .... a perfect and holistic cure  which transcends you.....removes the clouds of depression which sucks the living out of you! And it happens to everyone, at some point of our lives,  right?? Simply - gratitude and thanksgiving!! Indeed...if you know your blessings and are thankful of each and everyone of uplifts you to greater heights..away from the sense of poverty...away from feelings of lacking! Thanksgiving creates happiness and in turn it brings in more thanksgiving!!

Teresa from Gombak
comes to St. Anne with her
daughter every year. A prayerful
moment with the Parish Priest
Greeting the early morning devotees
while they were having their
breakfast, courtesy of
St. Anne's love.
So many people sit and brood...they cry out for blessings...yet they do not see the many wondrous things God had done for them in their lives...they do not appreciate the good things bestowed upon them, because  they  have lost their sense of  appreciation and the need to give thanks...God takes care of our needs..but more often than not, we complicate matters  with our greed...and our insatiable desire for more and, even if our barns are filled to the brim...our eyes cannot see...and depression and lacking  still rock us!   How true, how true! ... Gratitude and thanksgiving..certainly open our eyes to our blessings...and as members of Christ's body..spiritually, what is more powerful than thanksgiving in the Eucharistic celebrations?? 

Hei, guys...I am really glad, I went for the early morning mass...Good food for the mind, heart and soul...and also the tummy!! Great breakfast...FOC!!

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