Monday, July 9, 2012

Our Lady of Lourdes Klang hosts -KAGAPE 2012!!

The Event:  Harvest Festival -East Malaysian & Indonesian community 
The Location: Wisma Lourdes, Klang
The date and time - 8th July from 10.30a.m. till 6.00p.m. 

Our Lady of Lourdes, Klang played host to the 6th Dioceses  Level Harvest Festival Celebrations for  our E. Malaysia Migrants Community , on 8th July 2012.  A very colourful and heritage rich event which has its beautiful origin of  communities gathering together  in gratitude and thanksgiving to God for his grace of a very bountiful harvest. Through culture came the acknowledgement of  God's  sovereignty  and generosity and his goodness in providing abundantly for  farmers and others living off the harvest of the fields and land. Meaningful and beautiful!!

All who had gathered were unanimous in expressing happiness at the opportunity to meet and interact with one another, as a community, as friends and family. "Very happy",a group of young girls from Sarawak, unabashedly exclaimed...Equally appreciative were , .a mixed gender group from Sabah and Timur Leste when asked the same question ..."happy to come and offer thanksgiving as a community- harvest" , they emphasised. . 

The Mass in Bahasa Malaysia was strangely beautiful, awesome....every word heightens the grace and presence of God.....believe me people....I had gone just to snap some pictures, but ended up drawn into the mass celebrations, because the Word of the Lord became profoundly beautiful in the language our migrants community were familiar with , their combined united spirit of thanksgiving, added to the aura of holiness and significance of  the celebrations.

The presence of His Grace, Bishop Tan Sri Murphy Pakiam,  added  joy to the Eucharistic celebrations. That he was presiding over mass, was in itself  a wonderful and cherish occurance to the many migrants who had gathered for mass  on Sunday. Many could not wait for the opportunity to get near  to HG, the was an honour to shake hands with him, to be blessed and just interact with him. There were pure delight in their eyes....simple trust. Yours Truly was a little awed as well. She actually wanted to record a few words from the Tan Sri   ..but as the crowd surged forward to mobbed their beloved bishop, she decided to take a step backwards just to observe. Bishop did not disappoint...he was on same level  with his flocks  and he touched the hearts of those who eagerly reached out to him, children, adults and all. .He spent time with everyone who wanted to see him and speak to him, not forgetting the numerous photo shoots -leaving no one out...... ....his actions spoke louder than words...there was no need to solicit words from him...Say what you want people, but  HG Bishop did leave a very favourable impression. He made a lot of people very happy -Sunday the 8th of July 2012. For many, the highlight of the event was actually to see, touch  and receive some attention from this very likeable  down to earth head of the local shepherds. 
Many, many decades ago, when YT was in early primary school, a Catholic priest had showered lots of care on a group of  young children...she was one of those children.... she never forgot his kindness. Watching HG Bishop as he very naturally blended in and interact with his flocks...childlike belief surfaced again.  

The afternoon program was packed with cultural dances, traditional music, parade of cultural costumes and lucky draws with very attractive prizes, hampers, LCD TVs xtra...and entertainment galore. Interesting display of  heritage accompanied by  hues of bright  and cultural colours . Certainly happening!! OOps!! No mention of food?? Sumptuous and free flowing lunch, enough for all present and more!!

The Bumble Bees

Guess what YT spied??? A team who stood under the bright hot sun,literally roasted and burnt  till lunch time before they finally found relief under a huge umbrella. Aiyah, Asian  ladies & man don't need a tan lah!! Wanna get sun stroke??


Smiley , wonderful personality
Extraordinary   in cultural splendour

                             HG Tan Sri Murphy Pakiam with Parish Priest Rev Father Chua


Have you heard???Our very caring Father David., Care Bear leaving us...for Tampin as Parish Priest. Congrats Father, we are happy for you but we are sad for ourselves. OLL, are you really the ToughNGo station??

To all  celebrating the Harvest Festival..let the thanksgiving continue on in your hearts...your whole life, our whole life  is an open field and all good harvest comes from the Lord God!!! God Bless!!

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