Saturday, December 22, 2012

A heart's call

A mystery aura, I seemed to have around me
that others clamour to have a peek in;
And though I tried my darnest to keep
what's private, private!
It's to no avail-
They stormed my inner palace,
And tore down the walls
that  all may see.

Mercy, I cried..leave me be
I am just a poor needy  person
wanting nothing more than peace
There is nothing I am hoarding-
Nothing , which interests you
Just a worn out treasure chest of dreams
with my heart deeply embedded within

Leave me be,
Let me preserve, what's mine
Remain covered my pride and modesty
intact the dignity,
every  human needs.
That's the greatest gift  you could
offer me-
To continue living  untrampled,
this life's journey
In this beautiful story book,
My Author crafted out for me!

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