Friday, December 21, 2012

A Learning journey

OMG!~! Hope I didn't give the wrong impression. Writing could be a curse rather than a blessing-sometimes, especially if your words get misunderstood!! Amended.
At a Kids school,
I met with a host of smiles
They showed  me-
How to be firm with a smile
And I wished,  someone had shared that
with me once upon a time,
Oh! what a difference my journey would have been!

A journey of learning,
That's what life really  is,
New knowledge gain every day;
Learning -non ceasing...
No, not even when your heart stop
and your soul stood and watch,
As they take you to  that final  resting  place,
For then, you stand unseen, and all hearing:-
You see hearts,
And become very clear-
The ones who truly  cared,
and were really there for you!

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