Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve's musing & reflections-The Nativity at theGrotto!!

It's Christmas Eve and I stood bemused-, the fantasy, the illusions, the commercialisation of Christmas! 

And I search for my Lord in the world around me. Is He in the presents, among the toys and worldly gifts,beneath the Christmas tree? Is He in the shops and malls..the cash that goes in and out-swishing all around ? Is He in the hearts of you who  prays consistently offering peace and blessings, in His Holy name? Or, Is He  here -the manger, the nativity:-erected  to celebrate and commemorate His birth and His mission to give His life for mankind??

     Acknowledge and  appreciate our humble origins, people!! 

Christmas, it's a celebration of His Presence among us! Let the Mass of Christ outshine the mirages around us!! And the humbleness of his birth create space and  heart for the poor around us! Our self be not ashamed - our own poor and deprived state!

People! Do you know what it is to be Christian? Have you understood the message of Christmas and its significance beyond the image of Santa and his reindeers?? Do you see the entry of   Peace and salvation... lying in the humble  manger, born to die that God and man may be unified? That we may have life and live again??That is the real story  of Christmas..His gift of life to us!!

In the still of the dark night..
A magnificent  light rose and shone brilliantly,
In the heavens above! 
Hark! Redemption has arrived! 
It's He-
The Holy Baby, the Son of God! 

Merry Christmas!!

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