Wednesday, December 26, 2012

New Era-I believe

It's the morning after Christmas.
I stood and watched  as dawn broke into day. 
The birds radiating ,
Buildings still standing,
And people busy going about their businesses.
Not a hair out of place,
No disaster, nor catastrophe ;
The world smiles on,  
in its predictable orbit.

The Mayan soothsaying now firmly 
behind me.... 
A  new  era, of fresh beginning
I welcome in,
From the ashes of  cycle's end
new hope arises,
Heralding new directions .....
the deprived,forsaken, and the lost-

And warmth for those left out in the cold....
When God sends His flourishing grace- 
life and greens, 
the dry, dust filled lands , 
to plump skeletal frames,
And restores them, fortune even  balance.

The time of cherishment has come,
churning favours in, Nurturing  all seasons,their growth and harvest,  And thus sang the Lyrics of Hope and gratitude- Thanksgiving to  Him, Lord -in His abundance and generosity !

My prayer for you Africa, and all you -forsaken, in this season of good cheer that,   that day has  truly  come, and new  hope dawns  and smiles upon  you!!

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