Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Bullied! Are Parents the cause ??

Are parents and upbringing the cause of children being bullied in schools? You open the news papers and there screaming at you from the pages -were the "Bullied" words. You click on the U-tube and suddenly you see a group of school girls/boys mercilessly kicking and hitting their victim and don't they just love to show off their power to the world.

Some say, it is due to to, too much pampering at home. Children have lost the natural abilities to  defend themselves. Their hands are too soft , or they have completely lost the natural tendency to fight back. They are a sheltered lot. A slight knock and they winced in pain. Everything has been done for them. Some do not even wash their own dishes. They do not know how to get out of such negative situations. After being attacked, they would normally be too scared to inform another person for fear of being attack again. Their high flying and very busy parents hardly have time to find out just what is going on in their lives. To these parents, money and gifts are enough compensation. Is it???

Others say, children are bullied because they have been given  too much -the latest gadgets,  fine clothes and expensive gears and that infuriate those with lesser means. Jealously can lead to many acts of terrors. They opined,-those with less, are normally more hardy and street wise children. They probably come from average to poor families  who have learnt from young to be aggressive for their own survival. Again, their parents are probably those who need to work hard for their living and again  these parents -do not see the need to guide and instil good values and habits into their children. Ignorance, lack of time and the mis notion that children learn through hard knocks in life. True, but without proper guidance and the regular straightening??? Reflect!!

And yet others put it down to the negative influence of  cyber exposure. Children have  the natural tendency to ape what they see. Violent cartoons with gangster and mob style activities and code of behaviour- appear so cool to youngsters. It's the novelty  the power and the control over others which excites them. With parents too busy to monitor their activities, they  gradually turn more  bold and negative. How many bright youngsters have really turned into gangsters, their future destroyed by bad habits that they became the scums of society???

Perhaps, it is correct, the conclusions from some people  that,both the bullies and the bullied have one thing in common. Very busy parents who have turned their full attention to making money either for survival or to fly even higher. Either  no effort or very little effort have been put in to look after the  emotional needs and the character building of children that they have fallen away from the good to worship  the bad.

The too pampered whether boys or girls have literally turned into pieces of  "tau foo" , totally dependent on the hand outs of their parents that they cannot think for themselves; they cannot structure their own lives ; they do not understand responsibilities and these are the people -we sent into the future??

Do you see advancement and development as a major  cause of   bullying?? The more we advance, the more primitive, we become.

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