Friday, January 24, 2014

Cupid and the CNY angpow

It was the CNY season.

This very eligible young man was looking longingly at  a very lovely and shapely young woman. She  was happily giving out angpows (red packets) to a group of noisy kids who surrounds her. Wow! What a beautiful woman, what a great smile! Just the girl I want for a wife, he thought to himself. He got up and moved towards this mesmerising apparition infront of him. Cupid was watching. "Hei, man!What do you think you are doing?

"What does it look like?" The young man responded. "Why to make my move and stake my claim of course. Isn't she just amazing?"

Cupid roared with laughter-"You too, huh? I've been following her around like a love sick puppy until she began distributing her angpows!"

"What's that all about??"

"You fool! Don't you know that if a person gives out "angpows" during the Chinese New Year period, it is a sign that she is already  married ? Get away from her fool, do you want to be the third person?"

A young woman happened to be passing by. Cupid quickly shoved the young  man against her.  She is more your type, less gorgeous but  still single!". Quick as a wink, he shot the arrow into both of them and it pierced both hearts. Laughing in glee, Cupid made his exit. . The man and the young woman felt the sharp stab of  the arrow- both touched their hearts, looked up -their eyes met.....OMG, it's  LOVE!!

Arm in arm, they walked past the gorgeous lady who, by now had finished distributing her red packets and stood all alone looking after the disappearing kids. She sigh!  She was alone, yet again. She has money, she has great looks and really, she is a very nice lady, so why is she still single? Enviously, she looked  at the loving couple,passing by -totally absorbed with each other.

"Why," she lamented, " why, couldn't I find love?This man, he is just my type, I would definitely look better by his side. His girl, why, she is almost plain, compared to me. So why?"

Why Indeed? The wind echoed in return. Cupid has the answer and it has everything to do with your Angpows!! So Single men and women beware!!

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