Saturday, January 11, 2014

Butterflies, what do you see??

What sort of images does the butterfly conjure in you? Start from the beginning. The ugly hairy creatures wrapped in the leaves of your lovely plants. The hideous  little: hair-ies" hungrily munching away at your flowering plants, leaving big and ugly holes behind. They especially love the leaves of lime, pamelos ugh!!  Worse still if you are a farmer, the leaves of your precious cabbage, and  countless other greens, that represents your livelihood-your sweat and blood! How does it feel to have see your fresh and luscious greens  disappearing into the transforming stomachs and frame of those hungry caterpillars?? One morning you stand and admire your  luscious greens and morning, you stare in horror at your  half eaten plants. Oh, wouldn't you just want to ran for your insect spray and spray the life out of them; perhaps grabbed those little "creatures" off your plants and stomped them under your feet?  And yet, after some time, suddenly, you awake to see your garden filled with beautiful winged creatures, so colourful, you catch your breath! Ugliness transformed into beauty!!

And yet again what does the lovely  butterfly conjure in you? What do you see? Beyond the beautiful appearance that is. Going from bloom to bloom..feeding and pollinating.  Do you see a reference to someone who keeps on changing from one activity to another, never staying long in one place, a rolling stone-a changemaker, fickleness, maybe even a Romeo, a lust for the new and the different??Ah, now you understand huh,  what your friend means, when he  tells you-Lord,  what a butterfly you are!!

What about butterflies in your stomach? Do you feel a flutter of nervous activities churning within when you are due to get on that stage to give your first speech. Do you see the butterflies swarming in??

How long does a butterfly live? I'm told it depends on their size and when they  matures. It could be averaging anything from one week to a month. Short, short life span! I love the beauty of butterflies-BUT they are creatures only to be admired at a distance folks-don't  try to capture and tie down a butterfly. It does not work and never lasts!!They survive best -free, out in the open and in the wilds, doing what they do best flittering from plant to bloom.

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