Saturday, January 25, 2014

Still on the fun of CNY traditions and taboos

Before you usher in the New Year, the year of the Wooden Horse, make sure you have spring cleaned your home-de-clutter and chuck out the unwanted. You house should be all neat and sparkling clean.
Decorate your house with prosperity decorations. Living Blooms. That means continuous growth and progress. The lime tree with plenty of golden coloured limes is the wealth magnet.Colourful blooms bring in the good vibes of the new year.

Keep all brooms away in a corner where no eyes can see them for the next three days.

No sweeping is allowed until the end of the third day. Most families steeped in tradition will only bring out their brooms on the fourth day. That is the practice of times old.

Today most, including Yours Truly, will opt for the vacuum  cleaner. The mess created by the CNY celebrations is supposed to be gold and should not be thrown out, when the spirit of the season is still around. If you do that you offend him and he takes away the gold. If you still believe in tradition of old, store those "gold" inside your vacuum cleaner or in plastic bags in some corner until such time-you could dispose of them.

New Clothes - That is a must. New clothes bring in an air of the new. It speaks of  fresh and clean. You are starting out fresh and on a clean slate. Many will opt for bright coloured clothes especially red, and their various shades. Purple is now the new red. I personally still prefer the original Red. Why red? Red has the energy to attract the positive. It gives you the fire to act-to start strong and progress strong.

Black used to be  the taboo colour during CNY and on auspicious occasions. Today it is seen as the colour of sophistication-the colour of new thinking.. courage to break away from tradition  to find your own identity.

I personally love black, I think it does something for me but the tradition in me still demands that I chose the more vibrant colours for CNY and other auspicious occasions.Are you a die hard traditionalist like YT??

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