Monday, March 22, 2010

The "Adultery" Word

A different meaning of adultery was expounded by a respected someone last weekend, seen from a different angle of a 3D mirror. I always thought of adultery as a forbidden love affair, between two persons who had no right to be enjoying each other's company, in the eyes of the public of course; stolen moments of sexual gratification, outside the sanctuary of marriage..etc..etc..

Adultery, this special someone, said is more than that, so long as we indulged in things which goes against the teachings and commandments of our God, it is a form of adultery and we, everyone of us had fallen prey to this shortcoming....this form of adultery. After all we are humans, made from dust., with sin, inborn..a mass of flesh and emotions and so terribly venerable in our own ways and it is so easy to fall into the trap of this Adultery word. We worship money, power , yes...the physic of our fellow humans! look at those guys or gals, real hot and we stare! etc..etc...and that- people! makes us the "A" word. I don't about you folks out there- but Yours Truly fantasizes aplenty about unreachable things, forbidden fruits etc.. etc...yah, even sometimes sizzling thoughts, hot enough to cook up a spicy dish.

Me thinks that though our body may grow old ; our mind and thoughts remains evergreen and ever young and our passion remains a certain high until we return to dust. The aged and old are bland with no more passion left in them??? Stuff & nonsense!!!That is pure myth!Their feelings, and secret thoughts would probably put the younger folks to shame with their intensity! And yes, they are in some ways in danger of being labelled adulterous but happy adulterers at that! The sting had somewhat left the "A" word given its big and broad defination. Interesting!

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