Saturday, March 27, 2010

An experience to share

Yours Truly was at this particular function last night and boy! was it the "D" word! Everything you could imagine went wrong!Blushes, embarrassment and if time could be brought to a stand still and re tracked for just a little while to fix things up a little........ and her heart just went out to the very hard working organisers of what was meant to be a very prestigious affair! My sympathies gentlemen!

Absolutely not their fault-just misguided trust in the abilities of a clubhouse to handle such events and boy, did this clubhouse let them down! And badly! From signage to lights, snacks and horror of horrors-the sound system! The microphone went dead just when the guest of honour was about to give his speech!Yours Truly was horrified when the Guest of Honour stood up and started to give his speech without the mike for a good ten minutes, before the sound system was restored. Hats off Honourable Guest! You were magnificent and absolutely awesome! No displeasure, no irritation, just smiles and a very pleasant demeanour! A total peoples' man deserving of the peoples' trust, confidence and all their votes! We love you!

To add to their woes, the food was dreadful! Yours Truly 'tau pau" some back and had to launch operation rework before the tongues of the home folks would taste and savour of the food. Mr. ClubHouse, you should be brought to task!

Yours Truly learnt something valuable last night and came away, humbled. She saw the smouldering volcano beneath; the displeasure of careful plannings went wrong but the Organisers were so dignified ... the smiles and calm exterior of this group of organising CEOs and heads of organisation, faced with such calamity?? what else could she termed it???? were so admirable; astonishingly calm. They were Oh! so diplomatic and so very charming, all of them..... It makes a person feel so proud to be associated with such leaders and counted as a member of their team. YT does not know how her friend feels, but their kindness and humanity certainly want a person to bring excellence into their work just so that ..this group of bosses might be held up to stand shining on a high platform, like the strong and sturdy lighthouse -strong, firm, unshaken and unflinching in the face of thrashing tempest, icy wind and raging storm..

Perhaps, this type of function might be better handled by a hotel than a clubhouse, (or at least a clubhouse more savvy with organising such events).. not for any reason but the mere fact that hotels cater for such activities; it is one of their main roles and they have the expertise and the staff not only to handle such events but are expected to give suggestions and recommendations and if the event ever went wrong and the fault is theirs,you could always demand for compensation and they would have no choice but to give in to your demand after all, their reputation is at stake, and so is yours.

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