Saturday, March 20, 2010

Cheng Beng

It is astonishing how an air of hopeful expectancy could hang over a deserted graveyard. Yes, Hopeful that children and loved ones could come and carry out that which is expected of them. It is the season of paying respect to the departed and yang influence somehow starts gathering to surround the silent graveyard. The graveyard actually comes alive with positiveness, in anticipation of the invasion of the living for their yearly ritual of grave cleaning and filial respect......Cemeteries loses its morbid creepy feeling, no is as though the silent occupations of the other dimension, waiting for the coming of loved ones to pay their yearly respects had join hands to clear the entire region of negative influences, guaranteeing safe passage and safe presence to the living visitors during the season of Cheng Beng.

Respect and honour does not vanish with death. It continues to be cherished in the hearts and memories of the living. The love, our departed parents had showered upon us, their sacrifices etc..etc....remains fixed within us.....let us take some time to remember and honour them.....and whisper our thanks and gratitude for their lifelong care of us. In our fast paced and materialistic world, it is so easy to forget the people who had lived their lives for us....and had passed least once a year...let our memory come alive and we remember them....Thank you in peace...

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