Thursday, March 18, 2010

What is happiness??

To the young and strong, happiness is the gathering and harvesting of earthly treasures and more treasures. The young has boundless energy, they are adventurers and they have all the time in the world to experiment with different spices and scent in their lives. Life is about possession, assets, monetary achievements, power etc..etc..

To those who are journeying into their golden age, happiness becomes more spiritual...and rightfully! is the attainment of contentment and peace within self. It is about knowing self and coming to terms with their own limitations, not trying to outshine others..just be happy they way they are....Be more aware of the blessings in their life.Be thankful, there is a meal on the table every day..Good strong limbs...good neighbours, just being able to walk for instance.

I don't know how many of you people out there still carry bag gages around this very young age of autumn. If you are still struggling with your ego or concentrating hard on filling up your treasure chests when you already have plenty,then I feel sorry for you, because no one will ever know if they could see another sun rise, tomorrow.

If you have enough, take time dear people, to appreciate the people around you, feel and smell the cool fresh air after a downpour, observe the flight of the birds in the mornings and evenings.. how graceful and wondrous! Flowers on the road side....the shady trees ....Just so many things to appreciate and.....if you have never being charitable and kind to another person, perhaps it is time, you allow goodness to flow in and nourish your heart...people! strange as it may sound, it actually brings great happiness, just seeing the smile on another's face!

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