Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Earthquake which struck Chile, Indonesia, Taiwan etc.. the tsunamis, the freak storms and flooding in many parts of the world should set our minds thinking.

There are so many money and power hungry - "Kiasu" people in this illusionary world, bent on making money, and more money..prestige ....- to attain the "have all" status and lifestyle they worship...and must have.

Some people spent their entire life chasing after the letter "M" word not caring about God, nature, loved ones, neighbours, etc..the world around them....Then oneday, disaster struck! Buildings fall down and were crushed to bits and pieces, homes were washed away. Their only possessions were the clothes on their back and their refuge-, the cold hard floor of the Red Cross Shelter..and yet they were thankful because they were still alive; their family too were still alive and with them. Now, They eat of the same food as the beggar down the road..., they were satisfied with old clothes given by charity....the walls dividing the different levels of society were now torn down .... no more distinction..no more class...all are now on the same level ...

People ! we came into this world with nothing..naked and we shall leave with nothing as well, just the spirit and soul, rising up to return home. Spend time to smell the roses,while you can.... build up people relationship and extend peace and care to one another...Life is more meaningful and joyous that way!!!

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