Tuesday, September 27, 2011

24th September, 2011, this writer was at the Church of the Immaculate Conception Johore Bahru,  when she saw angelic altar girls up at the altar area. She could not believe her eyes -literally stared-  eyes popping .. Apparently, nothing strange there- Malacca-Johore Diocese allows this practice and so does India..  Really!  YT almost did a -"Gime a Five!"

Not that ladies want to be  Amazons, women warriors, ... far from it....but that sight gladdens the heart...sort of ah! some equality is being practiced here! A warm pleasant feeling. ..  If curiosity does not kill the cat, .you know, just for the knowing ..........

Sacred Heart Church in J Bahru.

Modern and right in the middle of a housing estate. A beautiful statue of Our Lady stands welcoming, drawing visitors to pay homage. 

Monday, September 26, 2011

St. Pio's Spirituality Centre-Ulu Tiram, Johor

Marie was among some 6 ( six ) busloads of visitors , prayer groups   from Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur, Klang, Penang and Malacca  who were at  the Ground Breaking Ceremony  of St. Pio’s Spirituality Centre-Ulu Tiram Johore  on Sunday, 25th September 2011-  The Spiritual Retreat Centre Project  estimated  to cost RM1.5Million, is expected  to complete some time in June 2012. The concern is funds for the success  of this project.

The first thing that struck this writer was the sprawling greens surrounding the designated  Spiritual Centre. The air was fresh and healthy, the greens soothing and healing to the eyes ...The surrounding  fruit trees, durians..rambutan,,, huge shady trees....undulating grounds adds character and an atmosphere of serenity and tranquility to the place –a sight to behold, especially for city dwellers........a  place -away from the hustle and bustle of the city, the pollution, and the distractions of earthly living.. It would be good for those who want to get away from it all and just spend some time, having conversations with God. A good site for spiritual re-connection.

 A quick glance around the premise, showed two small blocks  of dilapidated-, old broken down structures without roofs.......the live able section which housed the living quarters of the friars , the office and the chapel were in a run down state. The roof structures were low and despite the fans, it was a sauna.

Fr. Michael Raymond , from the Order of the Friars-Minor Capuchin , (Gethsemani Friary) was trusting,  in his eloquent and heartfelt appeal for the generosity of friends and benefactors to give life to their dreams. Following the principles  of  St., Pio, ... pray... trust, do not worry.....Fr. Michael is living that trust that    all hearts are touched .. That the Capachin friars' dream of -.the St. Pio’s Spiritual Centre-Ulu Tiram Johore.becomes a reality. 

We add our prayers that the St Pio's Spirituality Centre stands  realised because, our lives are really clutter filled and spirituality centres such as these gives us an opportunity to restore the balance of God in our lives . 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

In Trust we pray

Leading the night's Charismatic Prayer Meet- Praise and worship session are the Youths, lead by Bro.  Justin Janath and the Prodigal Apostles.  Yes, Jesus, You are Lord and God! 

The Speaker for the night- Dr. Ronald Stevenson , a young medical doctor-was  witty and engaging. Light and easy, yet with a punch, and he speaks not medical terms but the language of the youths, and all present . The sharing for the night was a topic much explored by  parenting experts and those who have our future generation of men at heart-parents, NGOs , mothers, generally all women- the how to of- cultivating and bringing up an able  generation  of responsible and dependable men, real  men, men, not weaklings, unable to conquer fears , or who runs away at the first sign of hardship and trouble-  -unable to meet up to what is required and expected of them,. Real men understand  and accept responsibilities and they are up to it, handling them with guts , skills and capabilities - a man. That culture and training starts from young , from home and that is spelled good upbringing.. 

 President Barack Obama and his wife was on air..- with Oprah the other day, .and they were speaking on parenting and instilling their kids with a culture of knowing  their responsibilities and living  up to them.  The President's children, make their own beds, do their chores, no buts about it., normal kids...except they cannot change the fact, they have a president for a father. They are being taught jungle survival skills -the skills of looking after themselves, if left on their own..  Mrs Obama learnt from her mother that good up bring, means  instilling good family values and teaching  kids responsibilities  and that will set them off on a  good  and balanced footing to  live life well. Marie was inspired!

Dr, Ronald Stevenson has  similar belief-  equipping our young people - our future adults with value and survival skills- .the abilities to measure up to life's many responsibilities,  and that start  from home!  And. Marie says-happy the women who finds good, dependable and responsible men in their lives . Young  people,  you can be that elite group of  responsible people!  - start off  by honouring God, father and mother., love one another, especially as members of one family As students, begin with maximum efforts to study well and make your parents proud of you! !

The Lord says, your faith will move mountains....and  again he said " if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven:Matt 18: 19.

We are a big group at this special Prayer Meet ., the Love theme- Prayer for our PMR students,powerfully lead by sister Josephine . Our collective prayers  rise up in one powerful voice for our students- sitting for their examinations- be empowered with the knowledge and grace of the Holy Spirit,  excel in every paper you sit for.  Work hard-do your part and leave the rest to God!! See you up the next level!

Venue: Chapel at Our Lady of Lourdes Church, Klang
Every Tuesdays from 8.00p.m. - all are welcome.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Parable of the Landowner

Marie told herself, no more blogging about own parish news, only special  events ..., but she could not resist musing about   Matthew 20 - The parable of the Landowner....... perhaps , just one more time...

For the life of  her,  she could never understand what that parable was all about......and  yes, you said it..she also thought that was terribly unfair too...why were those recruited at the eleventh hour  paid  1 denarius as well? Not very logical...But of course- she had taken that parable literally... and like the Lord says..... ....heard but  did not comprehend . Somehow, she did not relate or connect the landowner to the Lord,..nor the labourers invited into his vineyard to work-as us , members of his church.....

.Some were called earlier-  others, very much later.. at the eleventh hour ...perhaps at  their death bed..Folks, Does it not bring to mind that lucky devil of a thief, hanging on the cross  with the Lord Jesus? . Just  because that thief believed, he was immediately  forgiven and promised a place in heaven.?? That was more  like- the twelveth hour just before the call home.. He sure was fortunate was he not?? Had his cake, only to be given a bigger cake.....Thought that was unfair too....but who are we to question ...who our God chooses to forgive and accept into His kingdom.??? Matthew 20: 15-has the Landowner asking those who queried his action: "Am I not allowed to do what  I choose with what belongs to me? Or do you begrudge my generosity?? Indeed!  He is afterall  the Landowner - He owns the vineyard and He pays the wages. He is the one giving.....so why should we envy, why should we be angry over his generosity???Isn't  He the God of Love Himself? And doesn't Love always forgive???Imagine if we were those lucky devils...forgiven at the eleventh hour . Would we not feel blessed???

S0ooo do not begrudge others their blessings  no matter what hour the call comes. 

Mass presided by: Father Surian Raj
Homily: Deacon Kenneth

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Spiritual Wealth

The Charismatic Prayer Group is  sharing Spiritual Wealth to those who have ears to listen.and hearts to worship God=..every Tuesday night at 8.00p.m. . The Venue? - Chapel @ our Lady of Lourdes. Klang. 

Spiritual Wealth is  the source of inner health and well being, folks- it determines your happiness and your physicial health as well. Never  ever doubt that!!

Good news for the sharing

Next Charismatic Prayer Meet, Tuesday, 20th September 2011, from 8.00p.m onwards... lead by the Youths. ....and the good news is- there is a plan  to pray specially for those sitting for their  local secondary exams- the PMR   Bring your friends,  good news are meant to be shared, not kept hidden under the bush!!. 

Behind  many success stories , People,  there is always the love and the presence of God.  The faithful, trusts and believe-their prayers, somehow  gives them the drive, determination  and focus to work harder  and succeed .  It is the Holy Spirit showering encouragement and  motivation!

Our prayers and good wishes are with those burning the examination mid-night lamp. May God shower you with  knowledge, the ability to comprehend ,  absorb information,  facts. and notes well, so that you are able to answer every question intelligently, and move up the ladder of educational excellence and achievement.. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Remembering 9/11

9/11, and as we read the many heart wrenching stories of a Malaysian father still grieving for his only son, the children who had lost their  parent/s, women who had lost their husbands and vice versa..... the people who had gathered at the very spot where  tragedy struck that day in history.....to remember and to offer a prayer...we wonder, or at least this writer wonder , how anyone could plot such a a wicked thing.. how anyone  could play God and destroy  lives at their twisted whims and fancies........   cause untold hardship and pain to all affected.  Only the people directly involved in the tragedy, know what it was truly like..... the pain and the anguish....the memories...which clings on. Time will ease the pain but definitely  cannot truly remove it.

People the world over like you and me only read about the tragic events  and sympathise....we will not be able to feel the magnitude of their pain.  It was a multi-cultural loss. Not only  Amercians were killed,  the lives of innocent Malaysians were cruelly snatched away, citizens  of other nations present- inside/or working in those towers that fateful day and time...were also gone. It was a grieve shared  by  the whole world. Not only one nation alone. We do not know what terror the victims  underwent that  day......We can  only pray for they who had lost their lives that day.........and  for   their loved ones left behind to live on with the pain. We pray,  they continue to lean on God's strength to keep going.

Have we, the people of this world learn anything from this tragedy, that to live in friendship and tolerance is to have  harmony and peace  gracing their/our  lives, the nation and the world over???? We are all creations of God, children of one Father...colour, race, religion....what does it matter? The blood that runs through our body are all red...we are companions in our journey home....we came from one source and we return to the same source....all paths will meet at one point at journey's end. Could  we not reach out and embrace one another as brothers and sisters???  The way to peace is in our own hands......we pray mankind learns to walk in love, mutual respect of each other's culture ,faith and religion...that every single being....reach out and clasp the hand of the other in friendship and love, that  peace and harmony steadfastly envelope this beautiful planet we live in and remain with us. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Forgiveness, from your heart or push by fear of God's wrath? Iinteresting question for the soul.  ..That question  was poised by Father Surain Durai Ray....at Our Lady of Lourdes, Klang -the sunset mass. We know for sure forgiveness from the heart, steams from the genuine desire to forgive, clear all debts , clean the slate...it comes with all the traits of the Father welcoming back the prodigal son after all his misdeeds...pure love...

Now Forgiveness of the other kind...driven by fear of God...let's just explore and dissect...through the eyes of YT,....If it does not come from the heart.. is there actually any forgiveness????. That type of "forgiveness" does that take away the wrath of God?? Or lighten your baggage in any way???

YT says...there is no real forgiveness... if  people say...."I forgive..but I will not forget"..Isn't  that  just mouth talk.....for the world to see, pat you on the back, while inside, you still hate......and curse??? Yah, sometimes, it feels good , does it not?? -to have community and friends "glorifying" your noble deed...- lift you sky high.......that guy did something so awful to our dear A and yet he was good enough to forgive  him!! Wow, what a  fantastic  and noble guy?! Does that actually amount to forgiveness in the  eyes of God? God sees the heart.......remember. Well people...that is a topic, interesting enough to debate and reflect ...only you can decide, because, whether you admit it or not....all of us practice two types of forgiveness...at some point or another.....one for the eyes of the world and the other.....from within our heart.....and don't anyone tell me  otherwise....

The Lord tells us to forgive not only seven times, but seventy seven times and more......if a brother wrongs you...YT is not certain she could do that....she is after-all very human......and Autumn has not lessen the sensitivity....BUT . There is a realisation that  .... forgiveness is not only to please God, it is more for ourselves..... that we ourselves could find inner peace and move on, healed, ......that's God's beautiful wisdom....that's the reason to forgive seventy  seven times and more.... the need to always forgive and forgive.. from the heart....because then you let go of the bitterness and the cancer , eating away inside you and goodness  and peace takes over. 

Mass presided by: Rev. Fr. Surain Durai Raj -Assistant Parish Priest

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


Healing...it is the removing of  bad vibes, the bad elements, the sickness and the pain from self, the inner being and the physic.....It is the  recovery process to a stage of wellness and well-being......it is becoming strong and confident again. It is patching up the broken self  so that it stands repaired and beautiful once again- revitalise, rejuvenated.......transformed from ugly ducking to swan......from tears to smiles.... 

Last Evening's Charismatic Prayer Meet at Our Lady of Lourdes Klang  flowed with healing energy, and the presence of the Holy Spirit.... The well lead- spirit empowered hymns , the devotions... culminating to the healing session....brought  in  an atmosphere of Divine Ears listening intently to our needs......the spontaneous action of  release -life's  clutter, baggages  and the anxieties into the Hands of the Creator of Life, to heal and make whole again.

Have Faith-and your belief and faith will bring you release .. and the healing - you seek .....quoting -the good sister leading the night's session. Indeed!

It is good to be in a Spirit filled atmosphere, whether you are up or down.....even if you want to keep your troubles private......nobody will pry........it is sufficient that God above knows you need Him and He will surely respond, especially when the whole group prays together with you.... Remember what the Lord says...".if two or three...are gathered in my name..there am I in the midst of them" Mathew 18:20........and again. " If two or three agree on earth about anything they ask..it will be done for them by my Father in heaven " Matthew 18:19.....

If you are high up there....spare some time to thank God for your good fortune and He will smile even more graciously upon you. Take you own earthly existence as an example.....you love a child and if that child responded and keeps coming back bringing love and reverence...would you not love him even more??? 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Mother's Prayers

Sometimes, things  go on so smoothly, and we feel so blessed. We know we have not done enough to deserve so much...and yet the blessing flows in... Ever wonder why????Perhaps, someone has been praying for you . Could that someone be your own faithful mother, praying fervently before God, asking for your well being,,,protection and providence? We do not realise it,  but sometimes, it is the prayers of others, our loved ones which lifts us up  to where we stand so comfortably.

Those who have lost their mothers pine for lost love and affection, but those who still have their mothers with them, take them for granted; find them too bothersome ...until too late...A mother is forever; even if she had passed on; no more physically with us, she remains cherished in our hearts and minds. She is up above watching over us. It is not easy to forget a mother's presence. They have a way of tugging at your heart...flooding love and cherish-ness into your very being. and there you are, a little baby again, holding on to your mother's hand in utter trust,  comfortably  on her lap...her loving arms. A mother continues to be there for you, forever...even if she is no more .......why, she is up there now in the sky , a bright star twinkling brightly..each twinkle a prayer, a blessing... for her children still journeying. below..... if only children knew.....how great and devoted a mother's love is..

Monday, September 5, 2011

Father William Raymond was speaking on relationship during the 6.00p.m. Sunday Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes..Matthew 18:15-20/Romans 13:8-10 and it got Yours Truly thinking and reflecting:-

Relationship....that is a huge word.... we thrive on relationships......good or bad, it makes the world go round...community, society, family, partnership, marriage......the connections,the  involvements,, they are great mass of feelings. involving people and more people. It  is in a sense a togetherness., and it could be so warm, cuddly and lovely; but at the same time, so fragile and unpredictable. There is  always  the fine line between love and hate..to consider, to be mindful of..... keeping a relationship cordial, loving   and  steady all the time is  really not easy but must be taken in its stride.. Human beings  are flesh , blood and they could get so very emotional over the strangest of  things and  a  rash word at the wrong time could  even sever decades of cordial ties.

Everybody goes through some sort of relationship set back some time or the other in their lives....and I mean everyone without exception..... the connection suddenly becomes non -existent, communication ceases....the closeness, comfortable feeling disappears and hostility takes over.... close circle, family, loved ones...etc........it can happen anywhere, any time....and good graces stopped flowing  from one to the other...and sometimes, we do not know how to put it right.

Sometimes, even friends, family, parish priests fail to repair the damaged  relationship, bridge back the love and friendship, and  there is nothing more to do except let go and move on.... Best not  to get into that type of situation if you could help it.....prevention is better than cure. Think before shooting anything out, before even opening the mouth . Our tongue could be the death of us sometimes. But if things already happened, perhaps it calls for  a time of  reflection, calm,  sober up....hear the voice of the Lord...harden not your hearts... mutual forgiveness....then perhaps love will  walk in once more and  the walls  of hostility will vanish and hearts  once more reunite and be reconciled...But of course, we have to conquer that ego, the big, big A word-Attitude....first ...both parties ....you need both hands to clap...

Indeed, LOVE conquers  all.......

Friday, September 2, 2011

Lessons abounds  in life's journey....if only one cares to open their eyes and just see......many stumble around blindly, landing in ditches and drains because they let the mirages of the night enticed them.............Walk in the light, whether day or night and you shall surely find good fruits to nourish and content, bringing in the peace and the calm, and beautiful your journey, it will be.......

Thursday, September 1, 2011

The world searches for happiness and peace, whether people admits it or not. 

Everyone searches for God ..... whether they realize it or not, everyone without exception searches for the missing link, that which will bring them the balance,  the  anchor and the direction in their lives. People want to hold on to that Precious Some thing which gives meaning to their very existence. Wise men, from time immortal have searched for enlightenment and when they finally emerged enlightened...they will tell you to LOVE one another, do good.

Close your eyes for a moment, people and imagine looking at the light of LOVE.....see what comes out of it.....soothing warmth,  peace, care, harmony, charity, friendship, sincerity, purity.....many, many more.........keep the good images coming, people .....see through your heart and many, many forms of LOVE will manifest itself before you.  Now tell me ,that God isn't the Power and Source of Love and Life itself?? 

Ah, if we  only allow the source of love  to shine bright upon the face of the earth...man! what a beautiful place it would be!!