Monday, September 5, 2011

Father William Raymond was speaking on relationship during the 6.00p.m. Sunday Mass at Our Lady of Lourdes..Matthew 18:15-20/Romans 13:8-10 and it got Yours Truly thinking and reflecting:-

Relationship....that is a huge word.... we thrive on relationships......good or bad, it makes the world go, society, family, partnership, marriage......the connections,the  involvements,, they are great mass of feelings. involving people and more people. It  is in a sense a togetherness., and it could be so warm, cuddly and lovely; but at the same time, so fragile and unpredictable. There is  always  the fine line between love and consider, to be mindful of..... keeping a relationship cordial, loving   and  steady all the time is  really not easy but must be taken in its stride.. Human beings  are flesh , blood and they could get so very emotional over the strangest of  things and  a  rash word at the wrong time could  even sever decades of cordial ties.

Everybody goes through some sort of relationship set back some time or the other in their lives....and I mean everyone without exception..... the connection suddenly becomes non -existent, communication ceases....the closeness, comfortable feeling disappears and hostility takes over.... close circle, family, loved can happen anywhere, any time....and good graces stopped flowing  from one to the other...and sometimes, we do not know how to put it right.

Sometimes, even friends, family, parish priests fail to repair the damaged  relationship, bridge back the love and friendship, and  there is nothing more to do except let go and move on.... Best not  to get into that type of situation if you could help it.....prevention is better than cure. Think before shooting anything out, before even opening the mouth . Our tongue could be the death of us sometimes. But if things already happened, perhaps it calls for  a time of  reflection, calm,  sober up....hear the voice of the Lord...harden not your hearts... mutual forgiveness....then perhaps love will  walk in once more and  the walls  of hostility will vanish and hearts  once more reunite and be reconciled...But of course, we have to conquer that ego, the big, big A word-Attitude....first ...both parties need both hands to clap...

Indeed, LOVE conquers  all.......

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