Thursday, September 1, 2011

The world searches for happiness and peace, whether people admits it or not. 

Everyone searches for God ..... whether they realize it or not, everyone without exception searches for the missing link, that which will bring them the balance,  the  anchor and the direction in their lives. People want to hold on to that Precious Some thing which gives meaning to their very existence. Wise men, from time immortal have searched for enlightenment and when they finally emerged enlightened...they will tell you to LOVE one another, do good.

Close your eyes for a moment, people and imagine looking at the light of LOVE.....see what comes out of it.....soothing warmth,  peace, care, harmony, charity, friendship, sincerity, purity.....many, many more.........keep the good images coming, people .....see through your heart and many, many forms of LOVE will manifest itself before you.  Now tell me ,that God isn't the Power and Source of Love and Life itself?? 

Ah, if we  only allow the source of love  to shine bright upon the face of the! what a beautiful place it would be!!

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