Saturday, September 17, 2011

Parable of the Landowner

Marie told herself, no more blogging about own parish news, only special  events ..., but she could not resist musing about   Matthew 20 - The parable of the Landowner....... perhaps , just one more time...

For the life of  her,  she could never understand what that parable was all about......and  yes, you said it..she also thought that was terribly unfair too...why were those recruited at the eleventh hour  paid  1 denarius as well? Not very logical...But of course- she had taken that parable literally... and like the Lord says..... ....heard but  did not comprehend . Somehow, she did not relate or connect the landowner to the Lord,..nor the labourers invited into his vineyard to work-as us , members of his church.....

.Some were called earlier-  others, very much later.. at the eleventh hour ...perhaps at  their death bed..Folks, Does it not bring to mind that lucky devil of a thief, hanging on the cross  with the Lord Jesus? . Just  because that thief believed, he was immediately  forgiven and promised a place in heaven.?? That was more  like- the twelveth hour just before the call home.. He sure was fortunate was he not?? Had his cake, only to be given a bigger cake.....Thought that was unfair too....but who are we to question ...who our God chooses to forgive and accept into His kingdom.??? Matthew 20: 15-has the Landowner asking those who queried his action: "Am I not allowed to do what  I choose with what belongs to me? Or do you begrudge my generosity?? Indeed!  He is afterall  the Landowner - He owns the vineyard and He pays the wages. He is the one why should we envy, why should we be angry over his generosity???Isn't  He the God of Love Himself? And doesn't Love always forgive???Imagine if we were those lucky devils...forgiven at the eleventh hour . Would we not feel blessed???

S0ooo do not begrudge others their blessings  no matter what hour the call comes. 

Mass presided by: Father Surian Raj
Homily: Deacon Kenneth

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