Sunday, September 11, 2011


Forgiveness, from your heart or push by fear of God's wrath? Iinteresting question for the soul.  ..That question  was poised by Father Surain Durai Our Lady of Lourdes, Klang -the sunset mass. We know for sure forgiveness from the heart, steams from the genuine desire to forgive, clear all debts , clean the comes with all the traits of the Father welcoming back the prodigal son after all his misdeeds...pure love...

Now Forgiveness of the other kind...driven by fear of God...let's just explore and dissect...through the eyes of YT,....If it does not come from the heart.. is there actually any forgiveness????. That type of "forgiveness" does that take away the wrath of God?? Or lighten your baggage in any way???

YT says...there is no real forgiveness... if  people say...."I forgive..but I will not forget"..Isn't  that  just mouth talk.....for the world to see, pat you on the back, while inside, you still hate......and curse??? Yah, sometimes, it feels good , does it not?? -to have community and friends "glorifying" your noble deed...- lift you sky high.......that guy did something so awful to our dear A and yet he was good enough to forgive  him!! Wow, what a  fantastic  and noble guy?! Does that actually amount to forgiveness in the  eyes of God? God sees the heart.......remember. Well people...that is a topic, interesting enough to debate and reflect ...only you can decide, because, whether you admit it or not....all of us practice two types of some point or for the eyes of the world and the other.....from within our heart.....and don't anyone tell me  otherwise....

The Lord tells us to forgive not only seven times, but seventy seven times and more......if a brother wrongs you...YT is not certain she could do that....she is after-all very human......and Autumn has not lessen the sensitivity....BUT . There is a realisation that  .... forgiveness is not only to please God, it is more for ourselves..... that we ourselves could find inner peace and move on, healed, ......that's God's beautiful wisdom....that's the reason to forgive seventy  seven times and more.... the need to always forgive and forgive.. from the heart....because then you let go of the bitterness and the cancer , eating away inside you and goodness  and peace takes over. 

Mass presided by: Rev. Fr. Surain Durai Raj -Assistant Parish Priest

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