Tuesday, September 27, 2011

24th September, 2011, this writer was at the Church of the Immaculate Conception Johore Bahru,  when she saw angelic altar girls up at the altar area. She could not believe her eyes -literally stared-  eyes popping .. Apparently, nothing strange there- Malacca-Johore Diocese allows this practice and so does India..  Really!  YT almost did a -"Gime a Five!"

Not that ladies want to be  Amazons, women warriors, ... far from it....but that sight gladdens the heart...sort of ah! some equality is being practiced here! A warm pleasant feeling. ..  If curiosity does not kill the cat, .you know, just for the knowing ..........

Sacred Heart Church in J Bahru.

Modern and right in the middle of a housing estate. A beautiful statue of Our Lady stands welcoming, drawing visitors to pay homage. 

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