Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Remembering 9/11

9/11, and as we read the many heart wrenching stories of a Malaysian father still grieving for his only son, the children who had lost their  parent/s, women who had lost their husbands and vice versa..... the people who had gathered at the very spot where  tragedy struck that day in history.....to remember and to offer a prayer...we wonder, or at least this writer wonder , how anyone could plot such a a wicked thing.. how anyone  could play God and destroy  lives at their twisted whims and fancies........   cause untold hardship and pain to all affected.  Only the people directly involved in the tragedy, know what it was truly like..... the pain and the anguish....the memories...which clings on. Time will ease the pain but definitely  cannot truly remove it.

People the world over like you and me only read about the tragic events  and sympathise....we will not be able to feel the magnitude of their pain.  It was a multi-cultural loss. Not only  Amercians were killed,  the lives of innocent Malaysians were cruelly snatched away, citizens  of other nations present- inside/or working in those towers that fateful day and time...were also gone. It was a grieve shared  by  the whole world. Not only one nation alone. We do not know what terror the victims  underwent that  day......We can  only pray for they who had lost their lives that day.........and  for   their loved ones left behind to live on with the pain. We pray,  they continue to lean on God's strength to keep going.

Have we, the people of this world learn anything from this tragedy, that to live in friendship and tolerance is to have  harmony and peace  gracing their/our  lives, the nation and the world over???? We are all creations of God, children of one Father...colour, race, religion....what does it matter? The blood that runs through our body are all red...we are companions in our journey home....we came from one source and we return to the same source....all paths will meet at one point at journey's end. Could  we not reach out and embrace one another as brothers and sisters???  The way to peace is in our own hands......we pray mankind learns to walk in love, mutual respect of each other's culture ,faith and religion...that every single being....reach out and clasp the hand of the other in friendship and love, that  peace and harmony steadfastly envelope this beautiful planet we live in and remain with us. 

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