Saturday, December 15, 2012

New Happenings & Activities at OLL Klang

What do you think??

Cookies, cookies for sale!!
Just a few days away and so much had  taken place! There's the new sanctuary completed.

Christmas cakes and cookies sale by the Senior Citizen Ministry is in full swing.

We even have old books on sale, and at very attractive prices!! That's a project for the poor.   

The Glass Panel?? Still drawing in the crowd! A  new schedule for viewing of the panel. has been drawn up. Best take note.  

Something else- something new and interesting caught YT's attention and it was standing right  within OLL's  compound.! A  joint AOHD &  Good Shepherd initiated Mobile Exhibition showcasing the Migrants' lives and struggles. A Bus ! At first YT thought-hei, pilgrims..coming to view the Glass Panel.-but why park the bus inside the compound?

Migrant Bus
What's this? She asked someone..Oh that is a Diocese thing..xtra...xtra...Hmmm, so that's what it is. Mission  Work means  providing care and love, and  reaching out to migrants who are often marginalised is certainly a good direction. Just imagine if  we had to find livelihood in a foreign country and someone opens their umbrella and offered us shade, won't we  thank God for their kindness?

Highlighting the wide range of Christmas items on sale -our very own Lourdes Treasure Store!!
Plenty of gifts for the picking, not only for yourselves, your family, but perhaps a little something for our migrant or refugee friends as well!!

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