Thursday, April 24, 2014

Is there reincarnation?

Sister, do not grieve
too much, he will
always be with you.
Karpal Singh,bless his soul was a great man. He was and remain an inspiration.I admire the fearless powerful roar of the tiger, the dedication to his cause, his clear sightedness,  the self belief and focus in him.Few could fit his shoes.  I wish I had the opportunity of  a handshake and a few words with him before he passed on, but not everyone is that fortunate. Friends or Foes, you got to give it to the man, he was extraordinary. The wheelchair did not stop his prowess, nor did it dim his charisma . Injury only made him stronger and more determined! And now, death, has made him a legend, a great Legend, which history cannot deny and  will definitely honour.

 I could go on, but already society and the world flood with acknowledgement and acclaim, of this awesome man, so I will not venture into that sphere. Instead, as an ordinary woman, I will touch on  another aspect of him, the human side, which brings out the romanticism and the admiration of both men and women. His steely fortitude and single mindedness in the pursuit of  the girl of his dreams.This came from one of  the earlier published interviews, a major local media had with his wife, Gurmit Kaur, some time ago. She was just eight when she caught his eye and he patiently waited in the background, without disturbing her peace until she had completed her O levels . Then he went to her father ,declared his intention and sought his  permission. The rest as they say  is history. They went on to have 5 children and marital bliss.

A glimpse of  the Tiger's great love  for his wife, and his continued devotion to her all his life is a delicious tale out of the pages of a story book, only it's real. A match in heaven. Their story is a great inspiration to the marriage institution. It brings out the imagination in YT. People talk about the karma and the reincarnation thing. Many religion believe in reincarnation,  teach and speak about the taking of many journeys until the spirit and soul finds peace and return home for good. Christians do not have such a belief, but the Writer in YT wonders, could their story be  a case of reincarnation..that he had loved her some time, somewhere before? Perhaps, in his previous journey, he made her a promise of eternal love. Or,his love is so great, that he'd returned to find her and he did find her, recognised her , married her, to continue their love story?? They say,memories of great love never fades. YT has seen many Hindi, Korean and Chinese movies focusing on that storyline and belief. They feed the imagination and touches something in you. You go away feeling that something as marvellous as that has to have a touch of heavenly grace..Bless them.

All of a sudden, I am reminded of yet another great love story- from decades old. I do not know if anyone remembers this great Muslim Judge,(I forget his name, though I can still visualise his face). He fell in love with a sickly Chinese lady (Rose). She wasn't so well educated, neither was she able to communicate well  in Malay or English, but love kept them perfectly tuned to each other. She could not fit into his social crowd, because of her educational lacking but he voluntarily  stayed  away from his social circle for her sake. Cancer racked her, his love never dimmed. He devotedly nursed and cared  for her. When she died, he was utterly heart broken and later died of loneliness and the pain  of not being with her.  I still remember the pages and pages of poems in the News straits times, he dedicated to her.

There are love stories, but there are extraordinary love stories like these two. It makes YT think , there may be such a thing as a love so great, the spirit and soul does indeed return to find and reclaim love  cut short by previous time and God in his great mercy and compassion allows that.

So is there more than one journey before Judgement Day? Inspirational  stories like these  makes YT wonder.Could that account for why, on the odd occasion, when she was in a certain place, she had this uncanny feeling, she had being there before? Or a stranger pass by and you think, I've seen this person before, somewhere, sometime??

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