Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Remaking of the old and beautiful-Is that necessary?

Is there no more ideas and new stories to write and create, except for pinching the ideas of the old and splashing a combination of ugly colours over them?  Is there nothing more producers and scriptwriters  could offer, but to parody, remake, recast and satire on the old??. Is there no more creativity  left that they have to attack  the purity of the old to distort,  and add  harsh elements, darkness and the unthinkable to the fairy tales we grew up with?
I'd always love Snow White and the seven dwarfs and Cinderella, gosh, that is  just so romantic . I grew up with the notion that happiness is when a prince comes in his shiny armour and carry me off to a land of joy and contentment, where I live happily ever after. Of course, there is always the bad witch hovering around, but at the end of the day, there is my prince waiting to rescue me and he does it with great style.

But now there is a sour and bitter version to those lovely stories. I really hate the adult reality of those versions. They flood the cyber-world. I  have personally received plenty of  not so nice images of the married Cinderella and Snow white, the behind the door realities, via email.   It appeared, there is no such thing as fairy tale ending after all. Those were mere constructed  illusions and wishful thinking. Now that the man has gotten  his princess, safely confined in his home, he can turn 360 degrees and his "princess" has to live with it. With the apple safely in his hand, he could now  pursue and conquer other territories, leaving his beautiful princess  lonely and alone,  more bitter by the day. Is that what life is,  in reality? Behind every close door, there are skeletons, and the unsavoury ? Are they trying to douse out the flames of all romantics in the world, "hello! there is no such thing as fairy tale ending?" Of course, "fairy tale" itself, reads fiction, imagination but, do they really need to douse out the flames, completely? Is that why parents do not read bed time stories to children any more? .

It is just like the Father Christmas thing. I was adamant that my children enjoy their childhood with Father Christmas, Santa Claus and every-year I would  take great pains to buy gifts and hide them and on Christmas day, viola! Santa Claus had come bearing loads of gifts on Christmas eve! We were the average working couple and there was never excesses, but we made sure, Santa brings in the gifts. Seeing the happiness on the faces of the children makes the day, creates so much meaning to our roles as parents. Year after year, they would look forward to Christmas and when the season comes, the house is always alive with the joys of Christmas. The expectancy and the hope were so beautiful to see. As parents, we worked hard to fulfil their secret desires. Then one day, the neighbours, wickedly disillusioned the children and the joys of Santa was lost for ever. Talk about insensitivity!!Father Christmas never paid a visit ever again, and the magic of Christmas was totally wiped out-pooh! gone! I remembered being sad for the children, sad, they had to accept truth in such a brutal manner and at such a tender age. It would be better if maturity brings in the realisation but ...

Again, is there no more creativity in the world that people have to thrash up the fairy tales and trade them for  ugliness, even though there is truth beneath? Could they not create something new and leave the purity and beauty of the fairy tales to remain forever beautiful in the minds of children ; and those who had grown up with such lovely tales? They  do feed the lacking in us and tell us, there is hope yet. I would say, leave the beauty alone. Do not spoil the landscape. If anyone wishes, please create new stories, new imagery with reality and realism incorporated. That would be advancing into the current and the futuristic. I hesitate  to    use the word post modernization, because, hei, that is a term for the academics and not for us walkers of the ordinary plains of life.

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