Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The fantasy and the magical-a stress detox ??

I noticed that TV dramas and film shows have gone into the magical and supernatural genre, the unexplained and the mysterious. When Harry Potters first hit the big screen, everybody was totally awed and people made a beeline for the cinemas. Lord of the Rings had a similar effect and people, young and old went goo gaa over the thrill of watching the mighty battle between the  good and  the wicked with all the elements of the supernatural thrown in. For a moment the viewers are allowed  to escape from realism into the incredible world of magic and fantasy. Even Chinese dramas have caught on. Extraordinary warriors with the third eye, those with Kung Fu skills so advanced, that they fly and perform almost magical feats. Have you noticed how the mind just quicken and you automatically shut out the stresses of the real to allow the unreal to move in to de-stress?

It is weird isn't it, that with advancement and development, also comes isolation and alienation, mostly  self imposed. The world is  moving just too fast , we get so burnt out with the noise of the world that various illnesses of the physiological have emerged. We desperately look around for something, anything at all to calm the mind and keep our sanity intact. Confusion sprouts everywhere and invade your living space. You need to do this, you need to do that. How do you define priority and what is more important in living? Career or relationship? Work or Play? Fine clothes or the abandonment  of them for the pure joys of  the wilds and nature? Recently, I read of two young and academically sound  young man , not even 30 years of age. They had given up the hustle and bustle of  city life and the slavery of the corporate world for the peace of the country. They have become fruit farmers and they have learnt that nature is a great teacher, . The eyes sees less of the material and the senseless cravings, which makes a "madman" out of you. You get real satisfaction touching the fruits of your labour. Life becomes more meaningful. Satisfaction and contentment is so reachable. You become more positive.

More and more  people, are looking for "gurus" of the mind to  help them find balance and they do not mind paying hundreds and thousands, just so that "gurus" could lead them out of the maze into a sphere of peace. The in-thing now is mediation, private moments with God, the healing of both the mind and body. Mental health is now the buzz word. Besides the religious remedies, some including Yours Truly have taken refuge in a spot of fantasy-the magical moments of the unreal and the wishful to shut out the harsh realities of a very ugly world. Just for the entertainment and relaxation. There are pros and cons in such actions, but to YT, it is more pro than cons. An hour or two of fantasy and make believe entertains and cools the overheated mind and you emerged refreshed and recharged to continue that upward climb up the ever challenging terrain.Frankly, the challenging road becomes almost level and smooth after the stop over at the rest place of  fantasy and the connection of the supernatural.

That why folks, there  is a future for the fantasy and the magical in today's world. You know, what  YT imagines when she gets stuck in a traffic jam? She has Chitty, Chitty, Bang! Bang! a magical car, of her fairy tale childhood. Whenever traffic obstructs her movement, the magic of the car will take over and she soars high up above the lines of obstruction and roars home. That always bring on a smile to her face and yes sir, it also took away the frustration of the caged in feeling.

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