Monday, April 21, 2014

Purpose of life

The purpose in  man's mind is like deep water, but a man of understanding will draw it out. Proverb 20:5

A man of understanding  is clear and focus in his objective and his purpose in life and works towards that attainment. A man who lacks the wisdom and the understanding  faces confusion and sluggards, he is forever wandering in the maze, unable to find his way out-lost!.

There is purpose in the life of every man BUT how many even know what his purpose is and then act out his designated purpose in the manner that is called of him? Basically, a man of understanding acts out his worth. He does not do things in half measures.He does not question why he is not "king". He understands that,  not every man is born equal because all have come into this realm  to serve their own purpose, whichever role he has to play.  There has to be kings, leaders, middlemen,  traders, workers and servants, the have/s and the have nots. No matter his status and position he gamely lives his life as meaningfully as he could. He charts his path from the beginning to the accomplished fulfilled end positively. .

If his purpose is to be a son and father, he works on his filial love to his parents and then practices nurturing and straightening of his children so that they become people of worth in the future and hence the goodness lives on. Life's purpose has many stages and you will need to travel to experience, savour, recognise and appreciate its significance, then work to fulfil your purpose.

The Purpose of living is a complex and complicated matter.Many only recognise it when they have advanced into their autumn years. They spend their spring and summer chasing after career paths , the material and the physical, forgetting to show love and care to loved ones, both family and friends. Then as the leaves started to fall and the sun begins it descend,  and they find them selves isolated and all alone, enlightenment comes-they finally, realise, there is more to life than money and power. They  then realise happiness is the love and care from loved ones. That  matters a great deal..

Happiness is the nectar that adds meaning to life and strangely it also tells you if have lived a purposeful and  fulfilled life in this temporary realm of time.

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