Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Practice and live Dreams. Stop the dreaming!

When do you stop dreaming? Should there be a midway point where you stop and discern, your aims, your dream purpose and the results?  Where is my dream leading me? Am I fruitful or just drifting, with all the appearances of pursuing? Doesn't pursuing without the actual living = aimless?

Some people dream all their lives,they scramble all over the place and never reach their desired destination. Most of the time, they visualised what it will be like and think, they have got it. Hardly! There are others who  find it easy to convert , 'disarray'  into 'organised' to become what they want to be.  They see challenges as opportunities to conquer and act to achieve.These are the people who succeed in living their dreams.

I have a friend. She had always wanted to write, but never found the time. Then, motherly and wifely duties called and she had to give  up her promising corporate career to look after her family. It was at this time, in between her house chores, that she started to write  and against all odds, had a number of books published. Additionally, she freelanced for one of the main stream media. In the end, she had the best of both worlds, an author, a writer, a good wife and a cherished mother. For her it is utter fulfilment. It's God's blessings, she always say, "He closed one door but opened more fulfilling doors for me". I like her faith and I admire her fortitude.

Another friend dreams, and is still dreaming. She is not so lucky. She found uncontrollable obstacles, littering her progress path. Although, she fights them, the burden of  lacking, stops her moving into the progress corridor. She lacks money, luck ,emotional support and the list goes on. One has to  admire her fighting spirit though, she refuses to give up!
 ( Sometimes, I wonder at what cost)  Though time,is no longer  the young and vibrant man walking with her, ( my poet friend would term that,' flickering light') she  nevertheless pushed on relentlessly. Sad to say, till today,  she has yet to catch that elusive star. She is still very much in the process of pursuing. Unlike the first friend, who seemed to have all the help to get her moving; the latter  is faced with closed doors, even though she kept on knocking. Should she persist in whatever she is doing?

Let's speak 'practical' and logic. There must come  a point, when a person must wake up and stop dreaming. Stop wasting good resources and precious time. It is like, if you had turned into the wrong road, take a U turn and get back onto the right road. That should get you home in no time, but if you stubbornly push on,  perhaps you may find a new route at some point ( good for you then) but there is  also a greater possibility, that when they take you on your last journey, you look back and lament...if only I had......
Time and tide waits for no man. You may have lost some time, but it is never too late to  face reality and move from negative to positive. What you achieve, what you attain, not only depends very much on your own expectations and your resourcefulness towards that objective BUT also that ability to discern and rise up to the occasion ,make a decision and make it right!  
You have a choice. a) Shake hands with Wisdom and Realism , be in your action clothes b)  Sit and cry over failures and the unattained,  or c)  Remain  a passenger on that lost ship and drift  aimlessly on till your call comes.....You choice!

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