Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hard work pays

Someone asked me today, if my Christian Brethren who rose from the ashes to become one of the "have all", envied by alot of people, in this current period of time, had it easy...if  God handed him a silver or gold platter, since his is a success story of faith. Nope,People!  my friend said, no manna fell down from heaven. He had to work 18 hours, a day ( plus - minus lah! Me thinks- maybe even a figure of speech..don't know)  in the beginning, he  ate roti chanai, nasi lemak and instant noodles to survive. He drank tap water and if he had to travel, he carried his own bottle of water with  him wherever he goes. Save cost. But one thing he always does, is to stop by a church, for a few moments of peace and  nutrition. When the going got tough, he had many a time, cried in the presence of the Lord but with each tear shed, somehow,the tough got going.... his faith grew even more, his  path became  smoother,  his sight clearer,  and support came in.

It was sheer  hard work all the way. but small successes, grew bigger and he kept scoring. He refuses to let go of  his  trust and belief. Then one fine day, he heard the sound of crisp bank notes whooshing into his bank account and he has never looked back since. Till today, he remains thrifty, and he never fails to give thanks and glory to the great Someone above!!

A faith to move mountains! Marie wishes, she has this kind of faith in her!.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

From the Heart

Yours Truly has a wish- a great wish and dream to travel the world, to a safe spot of great beauty where heaven meets the earth and heart's desire meet fulfillment, contentment and peace.A chance to drink in the wonders of nature , touch base..and appreciate the goodness of God's providence. Yes, strange as it sounds, this country bumpkin longs for the wilds, away from the hustle and bustle of the city......Away from the crowd.. If there is a chance, any chance at all, before the world collapses  and the universe goes Topsy turvy ...this writer hopes to travel and find such a place to lodge and  watch the setting sun.... serenity Lord!, a haven where time stood still ,  filled with the rays of paradise......where sincerity and genuine love rules the day. 

Oh for a world, where man hails the simple hearted, politics is squashed to the pulp;  race, creed , colour blurs...vanishes and mankind join hands to walk and speak as one! One God, One Mankind!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Prosperity- A Personal View

Someone  spoke of Prosperity- the Gospel of Prosperity and that got this writer's ears all pricked up ! When one speaks of prosperity, what do you want to hear?? the sound of fresh crisp notes whoosh! whoosh! whooshing into your bank account, your pockets, your treasure chest or an avalanche of gold roaring into your strongroom?

Either one, sounds good to YT and she would love to sit down and be educated . Won't mind the extras!after all, in today's materialistic world, SOMETIMES, money speaks louder than even blood ties, relationship etc..etc There are tales aplenty, how even the closest ties had been  severed all because of money. No money no talk!So could anyone be blamed for wanting to master the art of attracting prosperity???

Whatever it is, prosperity, does mean , never knowing the meaning of hunger...well provided for us that much needed leverage, in life. But then again, over indulgence could proved cancerous. Indeed riches, is one of the idols, the Holy Teachings reminded  us not to be overly attuned to, lest, we lose our soul and forget the meaning of love and what humanity is all about. Lest, we lose our lives and drown in the sins of our own desires, sniffing out the light, which gives life its meaning.

But good Sir , it is sometimes good to hear the lyrics of  prosperity, because  it is very much faith, belief and positiveness, confidence that God in his goodness provides and that trust strengthens anxious minds, especially when needs and wants overwhelms- and of course we need money every breath and every step of our journey. Sad but true.

But fret not, followers of the Light will never lose sight of what the cross represents.....what love has given us... life ; when our tasks on earth is finally done  and in more ways than one, we try to follow the teachings imparted us but , this journey has also taught us that the reality of life's living cannot be dismissed...the parable of the talents has significance.and it is imperative that we  make good and enhance the gifts and  resources given us , to justify our very existence here on earth.

A successful businessman, a Christian brethren when asked the secret to his success said,  the words which inspired him to rise out of the ashes of poverty to what status he had attained, came from the teachings of faith and trust, the words of the Lord Jesus " Truly I say to you, if you have faith and never doubt, you will not only do what has been done to the fig tree but even if you say to this mountain, " Be taken up and cast into the sea, it will be done. And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith." Matthew 21:21-22

This writer truly believes that prosperity comes from trust and faith, belief in self, and in our good Lord and God above. The definition of prosperity and how it much controls your mind,and your life, is something very individual. It is in a way, subjective just like the happiness and the wealth word. In the eyes of Yours Truly,  Prosperity in its sufficiency and in the right dose, is   good for the soul-and with needs taken care of,  peace and contentment flows in.  And Peace is Great Prosperity.

Saturday, April 24, 2010


When YT was young, she thought of retirement as the time when she could drop everything and just follow her heart's desires. Sit by the serene river side, just soaking in the wonder of nature...,time by her side, a padlock and secured golden chest at her disposal, funds surviving her. No worries whatever! Oh! The naivety of the young mind!

Then, the time came and she actually took some time off to heal and rejuvenate, but she found that dreams do not always meet reality.. other factors had moved in...retirement had lost its appeal.....perhaps reality cautions that the R word does not work in this modern, fast moving world, for many of the seniors out there, that is. First of all, your so called golden nest, had turned copper and perhaps bronze. The value of the currency had depleted so much, your purchasing power had gone to the dogs. Sadly, while quality, standard, and value of goods etc..had gone down the drain, prices had rocked sky high and it looks like, before long, one would need to board Air Asia or Firefly to reach and get to whatever essentials, we took for granted and for so long.

Ordinary man on the streets can no longer afford to retire. And then there is the question of lonliness and the danger of being alienated from the rest of the world. The little ones would have grown and left to built their own nests. All that is left are two old folks in the once lively home. If you have a partner who looks after you, keep you well taken cared off, secured and in good spirits, consider yourself lucky and many others are NOT so lucky and needed the company of others.

When autumn knocks, sometimes, the cold icy wind could be a little too much and we need others to share their warmth with us, even if it is just for a little while. Communication, the human touch...yes people, do not scoff, it is very much an ingredient for quality living, to keep sane, especially in autumn and winter.

Science has seen to it that people live longer and older now, perhaps ten, twenty years longer than before. The initial joy of free living could really turn very monotonous and strainous on.... well, it actually depends on what type of house you had built- a house of straw, a house of sticks or a house of stone.....but then, irrespective whether people could afford to retire or not, golden people has much to offer- their knowledge, their expertize, their wisdom etc.. etc..nutrition should NOT be wasted but put to good use and for as long as possible.

It is up to people, especially the young, to change their mindset, and not think that OLD means Less Valuable. Make good use of capable seniors..let them continue working for as long as their limbs and minds allow them.

Young people will one day grow old as is a vicious cycle so, by giving opportunities to the strong and capable seniors, you are laying the groundworks, setting up pathways for your own survival when oneday, you enter the realm of your own senior years. Of course we do have some bad apples, forever talking carp.. filter them and place them with the weeds by the roadside to survive as best as they could..

But to those ..who wants to continue working and is capable of doing so for so many needy reasons of their own....give them the opportunity plus a decent difference from your other regular staff...retirees need to survive too, more than ever in this period of their lives!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Dream of a Different Kind

I have a dream, a beautiful dream-so sings Susan Boyle and she blew the scorn off the faces of cynics and overnight, she became a singing sensation. Yours Truly has a dream, a beautiful dream too...she would love to create a similar if not more incredulous effect, when the mountain becomes her stage as she stood dishing out lyrics of beauty to the world who stood at her feet ..and why not..when a shy Porty and matronly 40 something could create gigantic waves, why not another lady just given her autumn gowns??.

So many, fame, recognition, family, travel most of all sincerity and true friendship, true love..peace, contentment..people who will love you enough to do things for you from deep within their hearts to give you happiness- no hidden agenda, no motive. This writer wonders whether such a gift could ever exists in this universe born out of sin.

Once upon a time, it was all about career, and power. It is all about conquering challenges of the materialistic kind. But today, even Iceland could erupt spewing ashes and debris all over the European skies, literally bringing the air industry to a crippling standstill...., at least until the air clears. Does that tell us anything, anything at all, people?? The Universe is revolting against all the thrash mankind without a thought -litters around, blackening out the goodness. That's What!!!

Yours Truly reckons, it is love of the genuine kind, the unselfish, total giving love of the extra-ordinary kind -no strings or agenda tied around its golden halo that she seeks. A real challenge to find such a treasure huh???? Yeah, she has a Dream....a Beautiful Dream...

Friday, April 16, 2010

A cup of Autumn Tea

Golden guys and gals! If, you are still working after being retired, be glad and thankful. Some work out of need, others to pass time, some to keep their minds active, their body healthy , some do it to keep loneliness abay, the joy of friends and some, like YT work not only out of need but she wants to be part of the active beings which brightens up this universe.

At this very beautiful time of autumn, when the leaves on the trees had turned golden brown, many blown to the ground, it is a time of realization that time is running short and there are yet so many things to do. Yes, the air does smell sweet and fresh when we pause to savour the beauty and goodness of earth's lifeforms...but we still hear the clock ticking and there is an urgency to do as much as possible..

Somehow, there is this deep need within to blend in with the rest of the active work force, continue to live useful lives, keep independent, vocal and visual. The world must continue to know us and appreciate us...we should not allow ourselves to fade into the shadows and vanish without a trace...! Our fragrance should linger and remain cherished long after the soul rises to meet the Creator, yes, engrave and polish those footprints that it stands shining- long after we had walked on...

A word of caution - if you find yourself drafted back into the work force, do not behave the 58, 57, 55, or 60, that you are and expect people to respect you and do your bidding just because you are SOoooo experienced and wise and know all. Honey and Muscular Buns, we could do with less of that sort of attitude and behaviour. Never ever, let your "know it all" attitute , the manner you speak at home, (by that YT means like a parent discipling their children)...carry on to your office . In an office enviroment, diplomacy speak volumes. BE COURTEOUS, BE A TEAM PLAYER, Blend in, be one of the family. Most important of all, work faster, effective and better than your younger friends,yes, you do have the right to demand a decent wage if you are a high performer, BUT please be modest about your capabilities. Let your younger friends shine if they want to...we have had our glory those beautiful days of years past.. So what if you were the managing director of a company, so what if you managed a number of companies before, so what if you hold a PHD etc...etc.. The position you are currently employed is now your designation and employment identity. The past is have no more claim to that era of your life....except in your resume SO get real- talk , work and act current and present!

This writer happens to work with some autumn roses, in recent time. Credit where credit is due- these ladies were really talented in their own ways...yeh experience speaks..but the beauty of age and experience were somewhat marred by cockiness, and habitual use of the authority stamp- and that people, could really drive others up the wall; even fellow autumners themselves though, they try very hard to accommodate and be very nice....after all, autumn is reason enough to nurture kindred spirits and strong bonds.

Places of work are where, people are expected to get along, work together in harmony...YT also has the pleasure of knowing another autumn rose , who could say things, anything at all, yet people do not get is the tone, the manner, the pleasant way, words are used that even the word "stupid" could sound "cute and adorable"! No angel herself, this Writer marvels and learns...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Pope-Is it Right to Punish the Parents for the crimes of the children???

Some Activist is planning to sue the Pope for the crimes of wayward priests, committed in times passed. Isn't that like punishing the parents for the wrongdoings of their children, even though they had given their all to give these children, the best education and taught them the best values and virtues in life?? Hauling them off to prison, whipping them for the crimes of their off springs??

Granted these crimes cannot be condone and truly, they deserved to be punished if they had committed what was said ,but pushing the father or the mother to answer to the crimes , to take the blame for things which ought not to be done....??? Ya, sure, nail him to the cross as they did to the Messiah 2000 years ago, and let the arrogance and mistakes of the yesteryear's Jews rear their ugly heads full force again! Brother, would it that you sit down in that seat- the upright position just for a day and see if your back does not strain and tire from the task of just upright seating. Strain your eyes, brother and see how far you could see.....

The important thing to do is to examine , rectify and ensure that ugly crimes does not happen again, if it does exist....maybe some reforms ..yes, this writer has her own views as well...but then the Pope knows exactly what to do. Apologies and harping on past crimes cannot right the wrongs committed, .and that too were committed not during his jurisdicial time...CAN THE CLOCK BE TURNED BACK TO UNDO THESE CRIMES (if at all) AT THIS PERIOD OF TIME???? It is the future that counts, Brother, publicity is not the cure. ..The world is in enough turmoil as it is without people taking advantage of supposedly past stains to justify their own agenda...Current is the word!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

This one for the LADIES

The papers are full of stories about men who abused their wives. The latest victim a lady, splashed with formic acidic just because she refused to have sex with her husband!!! He thought it was his right, to take what he wants at 2.00a.m. in the morning right after he came back from gambling!!!!! His wife was unwell damm it! What animals have some men turned into??? They were supposed to protect their womenfolk, not hurt them!!! And that animal who poured acid over his wife-killing her and maimed his own daughter, for life. Could she, the daughter, ever forgive that #@!%*xx??!! of a father???? Dear God, what has the world become???

And the horror stories of how husbands not only cheat on their wives but also took advantage of their (wives') trust and love to cheat them of their monies and material assets etc..etc..??? Is this, the world, we are bringing our children into??? Then the men, who burden their spouses by refusing to seek employment and just stayed home yet expected to be supported in every way???. What has become of what was once the pride of manhood??-Men bring in the bucks...bring home the bread -protect and provide for their family???

Ladies, we really have to look after ourselves, it appears that men have turned alot more evil-some men, ( not all) good and responsible fathers would agree with YT.....and worry for their daughters......there are just so many wolves in sheep clothings in this current era..that we do not know the good ones from the we really have no choice but to safeguard ourselves a little- not only for ourselves but for the kids we brought into this world and depend on us to bring them up..

Those with reasons to suspect the sincerity of their partners, spouse or boyfriends, the word is play it safe..built your own little nest. Better to appear a little harsh than be sorry later on...Too many stories in the media...when they are good, these men are angels but the bad ones..they stripped you bare- not only of your assets, monies etc..etc. but your emotions, your trust, your love etc...etc... and leave you broken and crippled..Even the good ones change..and the sad thing is, most women are not even aware, their man had become a different person...until it is too late. Did you read of that monster who- over the years, cheated his wife of her money, enmassed quite a bit and after he got it all - left her, the wife in her middle age ( a woman's most venerable time) to set up home with his young mistress???

This world has gone to the dogs...The calamity that thrashed the universe tells it all. A warning that a cleansing is due and I wonder whether the Mayan prediction of 2012 could actually come true???? Whatever! Ladies..this one is for you and me!!Keep our fingers crossed that our good senses will not allow us to weaken and be taken advantaged of by unscrupulous and supposedly loved ones! To those with good partners and spouses, thank the good God above and spare a prayer for the well being of the less fortunate.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Something new to share

I was writing about death last night, not because, I wish to see death but to write about it as a subject and I learnt that one has to get into the mood and let the imaginary feelings of distress flow out. Getting into the depressed mood is easy but getting out takes some time. Hurt could actually be stirred out of nothingness! It is just like acting, you will have to put yourself fully into the role, scripted you, so that you pro tray that person in its intensity, so real that your viewers, identify with you. So too writing, you have got to stare into the subject matter, through the eyes of a person, going through the journey, so that you write with a deep passion, strong emotions, stirring the feelings of your readers that they sit up and took notice of you; feel your pain, your joys and irresistibly venture into your parlour -sharing afternoon tea with you...One has to be careful though, that negative feelings are chased out and replaced by reality and joy within.

The mantra- put a smile on your lips before you speak to others so that others listening to your voice hears the vibrance and welcoming tone in your voice, must be true as well...The power of visualization and throwing out a powerful projection of achieve your end result.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Gift of Beauty

One early morning, just as YT entered the highway,an immensely picturesque scene loomed up ahead of her.It brought a gasp of joy to her lips and a song to her heart! A beautiful land stood yonder, at highway end-graced by the rising sun, a red round ball, peeping from behind dark greyish clouds, its smile lighting up the early morning skies .... streaks of golden lights, its radiance spreading across the heavens transfixed in the distance.. Divinely magnificient! Curiously splendrous! Out of this world!!!It was as though, the highway was leading directly into this wondrous out of the world horizon... into paradise! Involuntarily, this morning traveller, sucked in her breath! Wow!She was memerised and spell bound and all of a sudden, there arose a sponstanous uplift of her spirits; an outflow of praise to God! It was truly glorious and her heart was gladden and filled with happiness, she had a glimpse of heaven that morning and it left her soul soaring with praise and worship. Truly incredible and she was utterly humbled!

People, take an early morning drive or a walk and amaze yourself with the beauty of nature. Sometimes. the heavens could open and let us see its majestic wonder just for a little. Zillion words cannot describe what, only God could design and create!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

A visit brings realisation

Visitors from afar sent YT eagerly to the home of a dear nephew. The niece and her adorable twins and very dear husband had come home for a holiday! YT loves family gatherings, it strengthen family ties and serves as good info grounds for the latest news in the family.

As she gazes upon this very grown up and very beautiful woman, she felt a stirring of love in her heart. She used to carry this little girl, as a baby and now look! how she has grown! A self assured wife and a mother herself! How time flies! For a moment, it was as though she was looking at the changing images of herself in the clear waters of time....beautiful young lady with long flowing hair....the images changes....., the treasured locks was now short with the arrival of the children... the thick and heavy hair started their thinning process...then lo and behold one morning, she spied grey and not so long after that, white streaks peeping from out of the black....

The niece is now an adult and the aunt??? She has moved on from matured into the golden realm.....Gosh! How time flies!!! The question was posed to the aunt-are you going to join your friends in retirement??? Gosh! No! If she has grown, so has the kids and they all have their own lives to lead..the house is empty most of the while and sitting within the four white walls waiting for sounds of homecoming can be pretty miserable and lonely. Now more than ever, autumn lovelies must keep busy....keep in touch with the world around...use the most of God's given talents, so that it gives glory to the Creator .....and ....not to brings in the bucks for all her needs and indulgences. And she so love the massages, the reflexology and the works!!! Feel the same as I do fellow autumn travellers????

Good Friday

A time of reflection and renewal of faith. We are called to remember the origin of our faith, the great love of blood shed, sufferings endured that this rainbow leading into heaven may be made accessible to all people of faith and followers of the light and the good.People! after darkness comes light, may the Joy of Easter fill each and everyone of us!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

To Sin or not to Sin???

Reflect on the question dear people, it is synonymous with -should you live life as you please, act as you please?- Hoots to what people think-Hoots to the whispers of the conscience. Experience life to the fullest, exploring and tasting the many spices and varied food of life.Life is so short! If Eve had not been curious, there would not be this universe, this journey to walk in and we, none of us would know what life means...

Upbringing and religion places so many restrictions on our lives, that we voluntarily stay away from the more exotic, perhaps sinful wonders of life. Should we have practiced goody two shoes??? Have we been too serious about this thing called " sin " and anyway what really is sin???? Did we get our interpretation right??? Have we miss out on the many colours of life???

As YT gazes into the face of Autumn, she actually wondered what it would be like to live on the other side of the fence. But, She knows that if given the chance to turn back the clock, she would be more adventurous, more sinful, and she would use all the colours in her paint box to jazz up the most colourful painting of this life given her...

PS: if you are wondering and wishing to taste the sinful side of life, just like the wishful thinking of YT, people remember, from dust we came and to dust we shall return at the end of our journey. This worn out body, we can discard but the soul continues on its journey back to the Creator, and people! if we had not been careful with our random splish splash of colours, if we did not pick CLEAN and CLEAR colours, the ones that complement the light, to live and enjoy life, then at journey's end, the Book of Life will probably send you hurling down the deep black hole where scorching flames awaits to lick your bodies, in eternal torment.

Is that enough to tell all humans that whatever one does, CONSCIENCE cannot be hooted , GOD cannot be pushed aside????- if you want to play a little, by all means BUT pick only the WHITE SINS - nothing dark and murky!!!