Thursday, April 29, 2010

Hard work pays

Someone asked me today, if my Christian Brethren who rose from the ashes to become one of the "have all", envied by alot of people, in this current period of time, had it easy...if  God handed him a silver or gold platter, since his is a success story of faith. Nope,People!  my friend said, no manna fell down from heaven. He had to work 18 hours, a day ( plus - minus lah! Me thinks- maybe even a figure of speech..don't know)  in the beginning, he  ate roti chanai, nasi lemak and instant noodles to survive. He drank tap water and if he had to travel, he carried his own bottle of water with  him wherever he goes. Save cost. But one thing he always does, is to stop by a church, for a few moments of peace and  nutrition. When the going got tough, he had many a time, cried in the presence of the Lord but with each tear shed, somehow,the tough got going.... his faith grew even more, his  path became  smoother,  his sight clearer,  and support came in.

It was sheer  hard work all the way. but small successes, grew bigger and he kept scoring. He refuses to let go of  his  trust and belief. Then one fine day, he heard the sound of crisp bank notes whooshing into his bank account and he has never looked back since. Till today, he remains thrifty, and he never fails to give thanks and glory to the great Someone above!!

A faith to move mountains! Marie wishes, she has this kind of faith in her!.

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