Saturday, April 10, 2010

This one for the LADIES

The papers are full of stories about men who abused their wives. The latest victim a lady, splashed with formic acidic just because she refused to have sex with her husband!!! He thought it was his right, to take what he wants at 2.00a.m. in the morning right after he came back from gambling!!!!! His wife was unwell damm it! What animals have some men turned into??? They were supposed to protect their womenfolk, not hurt them!!! And that animal who poured acid over his wife-killing her and maimed his own daughter, for life. Could she, the daughter, ever forgive that #@!%*xx??!! of a father???? Dear God, what has the world become???

And the horror stories of how husbands not only cheat on their wives but also took advantage of their (wives') trust and love to cheat them of their monies and material assets etc..etc..??? Is this, the world, we are bringing our children into??? Then the men, who burden their spouses by refusing to seek employment and just stayed home yet expected to be supported in every way???. What has become of what was once the pride of manhood??-Men bring in the bucks...bring home the bread -protect and provide for their family???

Ladies, we really have to look after ourselves, it appears that men have turned alot more evil-some men, ( not all) good and responsible fathers would agree with YT.....and worry for their daughters......there are just so many wolves in sheep clothings in this current era..that we do not know the good ones from the we really have no choice but to safeguard ourselves a little- not only for ourselves but for the kids we brought into this world and depend on us to bring them up..

Those with reasons to suspect the sincerity of their partners, spouse or boyfriends, the word is play it safe..built your own little nest. Better to appear a little harsh than be sorry later on...Too many stories in the media...when they are good, these men are angels but the bad ones..they stripped you bare- not only of your assets, monies etc..etc. but your emotions, your trust, your love etc...etc... and leave you broken and crippled..Even the good ones change..and the sad thing is, most women are not even aware, their man had become a different person...until it is too late. Did you read of that monster who- over the years, cheated his wife of her money, enmassed quite a bit and after he got it all - left her, the wife in her middle age ( a woman's most venerable time) to set up home with his young mistress???

This world has gone to the dogs...The calamity that thrashed the universe tells it all. A warning that a cleansing is due and I wonder whether the Mayan prediction of 2012 could actually come true???? Whatever! Ladies..this one is for you and me!!Keep our fingers crossed that our good senses will not allow us to weaken and be taken advantaged of by unscrupulous and supposedly loved ones! To those with good partners and spouses, thank the good God above and spare a prayer for the well being of the less fortunate.

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