Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Pope-Is it Right to Punish the Parents for the crimes of the children???

Some Activist is planning to sue the Pope for the crimes of wayward priests, committed in times passed. Isn't that like punishing the parents for the wrongdoings of their children, even though they had given their all to give these children, the best education and taught them the best values and virtues in life?? Hauling them off to prison, whipping them for the crimes of their off springs??

Granted these crimes cannot be condone and truly, they deserved to be punished if they had committed what was said ,but pushing the father or the mother to answer to the crimes , to take the blame for things which ought not to be done....??? Ya, sure, nail him to the cross as they did to the Messiah 2000 years ago, and let the arrogance and mistakes of the yesteryear's Jews rear their ugly heads full force again! Brother, would it that you sit down in that seat- the upright position just for a day and see if your back does not strain and tire from the task of just upright seating. Strain your eyes, brother and see how far you could see.....

The important thing to do is to examine , rectify and ensure that ugly crimes does not happen again, if it does exist....maybe some reforms ..yes, this writer has her own views as well...but then the Pope knows exactly what to do. Apologies and harping on past crimes cannot right the wrongs committed, .and that too were committed not during his jurisdicial time...CAN THE CLOCK BE TURNED BACK TO UNDO THESE CRIMES (if at all) AT THIS PERIOD OF TIME???? It is the future that counts, Brother, publicity is not the cure. ..The world is in enough turmoil as it is without people taking advantage of supposedly past stains to justify their own agenda...Current is the word!

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