Thursday, April 1, 2010

To Sin or not to Sin???

Reflect on the question dear people, it is synonymous with -should you live life as you please, act as you please?- Hoots to what people think-Hoots to the whispers of the conscience. Experience life to the fullest, exploring and tasting the many spices and varied food of life.Life is so short! If Eve had not been curious, there would not be this universe, this journey to walk in and we, none of us would know what life means...

Upbringing and religion places so many restrictions on our lives, that we voluntarily stay away from the more exotic, perhaps sinful wonders of life. Should we have practiced goody two shoes??? Have we been too serious about this thing called " sin " and anyway what really is sin???? Did we get our interpretation right??? Have we miss out on the many colours of life???

As YT gazes into the face of Autumn, she actually wondered what it would be like to live on the other side of the fence. But, She knows that if given the chance to turn back the clock, she would be more adventurous, more sinful, and she would use all the colours in her paint box to jazz up the most colourful painting of this life given her...

PS: if you are wondering and wishing to taste the sinful side of life, just like the wishful thinking of YT, people remember, from dust we came and to dust we shall return at the end of our journey. This worn out body, we can discard but the soul continues on its journey back to the Creator, and people! if we had not been careful with our random splish splash of colours, if we did not pick CLEAN and CLEAR colours, the ones that complement the light, to live and enjoy life, then at journey's end, the Book of Life will probably send you hurling down the deep black hole where scorching flames awaits to lick your bodies, in eternal torment.

Is that enough to tell all humans that whatever one does, CONSCIENCE cannot be hooted , GOD cannot be pushed aside????- if you want to play a little, by all means BUT pick only the WHITE SINS - nothing dark and murky!!!

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