Friday, April 16, 2010

A cup of Autumn Tea

Golden guys and gals! If, you are still working after being retired, be glad and thankful. Some work out of need, others to pass time, some to keep their minds active, their body healthy , some do it to keep loneliness abay, the joy of friends and some, like YT work not only out of need but she wants to be part of the active beings which brightens up this universe.

At this very beautiful time of autumn, when the leaves on the trees had turned golden brown, many blown to the ground, it is a time of realization that time is running short and there are yet so many things to do. Yes, the air does smell sweet and fresh when we pause to savour the beauty and goodness of earth's lifeforms...but we still hear the clock ticking and there is an urgency to do as much as possible..

Somehow, there is this deep need within to blend in with the rest of the active work force, continue to live useful lives, keep independent, vocal and visual. The world must continue to know us and appreciate us...we should not allow ourselves to fade into the shadows and vanish without a trace...! Our fragrance should linger and remain cherished long after the soul rises to meet the Creator, yes, engrave and polish those footprints that it stands shining- long after we had walked on...

A word of caution - if you find yourself drafted back into the work force, do not behave the 58, 57, 55, or 60, that you are and expect people to respect you and do your bidding just because you are SOoooo experienced and wise and know all. Honey and Muscular Buns, we could do with less of that sort of attitude and behaviour. Never ever, let your "know it all" attitute , the manner you speak at home, (by that YT means like a parent discipling their children)...carry on to your office . In an office enviroment, diplomacy speak volumes. BE COURTEOUS, BE A TEAM PLAYER, Blend in, be one of the family. Most important of all, work faster, effective and better than your younger friends,yes, you do have the right to demand a decent wage if you are a high performer, BUT please be modest about your capabilities. Let your younger friends shine if they want to...we have had our glory those beautiful days of years past.. So what if you were the managing director of a company, so what if you managed a number of companies before, so what if you hold a PHD etc...etc.. The position you are currently employed is now your designation and employment identity. The past is have no more claim to that era of your life....except in your resume SO get real- talk , work and act current and present!

This writer happens to work with some autumn roses, in recent time. Credit where credit is due- these ladies were really talented in their own ways...yeh experience speaks..but the beauty of age and experience were somewhat marred by cockiness, and habitual use of the authority stamp- and that people, could really drive others up the wall; even fellow autumners themselves though, they try very hard to accommodate and be very nice....after all, autumn is reason enough to nurture kindred spirits and strong bonds.

Places of work are where, people are expected to get along, work together in harmony...YT also has the pleasure of knowing another autumn rose , who could say things, anything at all, yet people do not get is the tone, the manner, the pleasant way, words are used that even the word "stupid" could sound "cute and adorable"! No angel herself, this Writer marvels and learns...

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