Wednesday, April 28, 2010

From the Heart

Yours Truly has a wish- a great wish and dream to travel the world, to a safe spot of great beauty where heaven meets the earth and heart's desire meet fulfillment, contentment and peace.A chance to drink in the wonders of nature , touch base..and appreciate the goodness of God's providence. Yes, strange as it sounds, this country bumpkin longs for the wilds, away from the hustle and bustle of the city......Away from the crowd.. If there is a chance, any chance at all, before the world collapses  and the universe goes Topsy turvy ...this writer hopes to travel and find such a place to lodge and  watch the setting sun.... serenity Lord!, a haven where time stood still ,  filled with the rays of paradise......where sincerity and genuine love rules the day. 

Oh for a world, where man hails the simple hearted, politics is squashed to the pulp;  race, creed , colour blurs...vanishes and mankind join hands to walk and speak as one! One God, One Mankind!

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