Saturday, April 3, 2010

A visit brings realisation

Visitors from afar sent YT eagerly to the home of a dear nephew. The niece and her adorable twins and very dear husband had come home for a holiday! YT loves family gatherings, it strengthen family ties and serves as good info grounds for the latest news in the family.

As she gazes upon this very grown up and very beautiful woman, she felt a stirring of love in her heart. She used to carry this little girl, as a baby and now look! how she has grown! A self assured wife and a mother herself! How time flies! For a moment, it was as though she was looking at the changing images of herself in the clear waters of time....beautiful young lady with long flowing hair....the images changes....., the treasured locks was now short with the arrival of the children... the thick and heavy hair started their thinning process...then lo and behold one morning, she spied grey and not so long after that, white streaks peeping from out of the black....

The niece is now an adult and the aunt??? She has moved on from matured into the golden realm.....Gosh! How time flies!!! The question was posed to the aunt-are you going to join your friends in retirement??? Gosh! No! If she has grown, so has the kids and they all have their own lives to lead..the house is empty most of the while and sitting within the four white walls waiting for sounds of homecoming can be pretty miserable and lonely. Now more than ever, autumn lovelies must keep busy....keep in touch with the world around...use the most of God's given talents, so that it gives glory to the Creator .....and ....not to brings in the bucks for all her needs and indulgences. And she so love the massages, the reflexology and the works!!! Feel the same as I do fellow autumn travellers????

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