Tuesday, July 26, 2011

6.30a.m. at St Anne's, Port Klang

It's good to be at St Anne's so early in the morning. The annual pilgrimage to St. Anne has always been happy occasions and this year it is exceptional. She had been urged out of bed by a strong force within her....and much  like a young school girl, she stole out of the house and  runs excitedly to a much beloved grandmother for blessings and spiritual words of encouragement..

It was a wonderful feeling to be in front of this beautiful Saint of family happiness, marriage, children.., devotion etc...etc...,in the early morning hours,  away from the pressing crowds,  ah , peace and a time of quiet and conversation with the beloved  grandmother  of our Lord Jesus. Somehow,  the atmosphere and feelings during her feast day is different., takes us to a higher level...Do you know people, how hard she prays that all our prayers are answered and on her feast day, she prays doubly hard for us????

People, Have you not heard of the numerous miracles God works for us, because we prayed to St Anne for her  intercessions?? Marie, has her own story as well, why it has become a family tradition to go to St. Anne's feast  yearly not only  to pray but also to offer thanksgivings...ah!...but that is a secret she shares only with St Anne and the Blessed Virgin Mary.

As Father Lawrence so powerfully and beautifully puts it...we should come in confidence...that our prayers have been granted, and we shall be so blessed. Faith is a beautiful thing.....didn't the Lord teach us, that when we pray, we should believe that the Father has already heard our prayers and that they have  already been granted ???Believe and it will be so......

Thank you St Anne for your prayers.

NB: This evening, mass is at 7.30p.m. See you there guys!!

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