Monday, July 18, 2011

Beijing -A Gift

  God does work in mysterious ways....when she-Marie left her rice mill, recently ...June 2011, she was a little lost.....but at that precise moment, God opened the way for her to travel...and that too... to the very place..she had wanted to go..for as long as she could remember.... Beijing and to The Great Wall of China! Almost as though she was there before and needed to return to pay her respects...... Tis  God's grace ...that saw this writer embarking  on a  eight days historical trail to Beijing.Unforgetable and memorable!Such a blessing!

The Great Wall of China!, the Forbidden City! the Summer Palace!
the lake where the emperor used to court his imperial ladies...etc...etc..a dream come true and its all through the grace of God , the prayers of the Holy Mother and the angels He sent into her life...Praise God!

p/s - If you think India is hot, try China in will sweat like never before!

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