Thursday, July 28, 2011

Showers of Grace

Marie certainly did not expect a homily as touching, heart warming,  encouraging and as learning as the one delivered by Father Raymond Michael at St Anne's  Senior Citizen mass, this morning. Remarkable ,  very much like a shower of grace.....

It was a  welcomed awakening ...reminding seniors to retain and maintain  their own identity and good spirits. be their own person... not to  stop doing their thing.....there is no need to retire behind the scenes.....just because of that golden badge. Being a senior, does not make one old....or less are old, only if you think you are old...Seniors are really at a time of their lives when they are bursting forth  in full bloom of life's wisdom, ..their relationship and experience with God and they have much to offer impart .. knowledge, experience, expertise .....they are at a fortunate stage of their lives when they could offer services  and serve the Lord..........
Ya, it sort of brought  a lump to this writer's throat...the narration......the secret grand birthday wish of a 70 year old...neither riches nor wealth......he wished for ..but Psalm 27.. to dwell in the house of the Lord, all the days of his life.and don't we, all who have journeyed thus far???....

The thoughtful action- blessings...sprinkles of  cool blessed water....they were like soothing balm on a burnt skin.... shower of grace which reassures the body, the spirit and the soul......simple act but so meaningful and appreciated. (yes, some seniors standing near this writer immediately, raised their hands to worship and thank God, when the waters touched them).
This writer was very sure, many a senior left mass, this afternoon, happier individuals, knowing they are very much a crucial part of God's family and society........and there are people out there ready to accept them and cheer them on. Truly, holiness is not about is all in the heart....and from the heart. ... 

Thank you ....all you who have tried to shower happiness and encouragement on the needy.

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