Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Importance of Communication

Marie was at her nephew's wedding and this very jovial pastor was conducting the wedding mass.. in .his sermon , a very special message to the bride and the groom....besides other words of wisdom...was....he could never understand women, and he doubts he will ever understand them......but then, God gave men ,  women to care, to protect, to love,  and to cherish...not to in dissecting but to feel as she feels ; to be able to see things as she sees.....Marriage is alot of , loving, compromise, acceptance, caring- and communicating.  Couples, after a few years of marriage, do not speak to each other becomes ....ya-more of  ......questioning., than talking......did you do this and that???Why are you late...where were you?? Intimacy has flown, disappeared......conversation??...(old married couple...what is there to talk about ?? ) Sharing.?? (what is that??) ..In fact if you see a couple sitting in a restaurant or Kopitiam, just drinking their coffee and eating their meal, in silence...looking everywhere .... their surroundings, the table in front of them, their feet... etc....instead of their partner...chances are, they are a married couple...Sad, sad but so true...Work at reversing that trend people!

To be able to communicate with one another , with mutual understanding, care and love - converse,  be able to  speak to one another as friends,  a loving partner  is a  blessing but also a culture, couples should cultivate , if they want their union to be - one long and  joyous  marriage and partnership...

Blessed - the man and wife who  still hold hands and whisper sweet nothings into their partner's ears, even when looks have gone, wrinkles  and flabs have set in...... beautiful ..the harmony and peace of their sunset days..

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